Home » United States » 1 U.S. Code § 112a: United States Treaties and Other International Agreements; contents; admissibility in evidence

1 U.S. Code § 112a: United States Treaties and Other International Agreements; contents; admissibility in evidence

1 U.S. Code § 112a

1 U.S. Code § 112a is about United States Treaties and Other International Agreements; contents; admissibility in evidence. It is under Chapter 2 (Acts and Resolutions; Formalities of Enactment; Repeals; Sealing of Instruments) of Title 1 (General Provisions) of the Code.

(a) The Secretary of State shall cause to be compiled, edited, indexed, and published, beginning as of January 1, 1950, a compilation entitled “United States Treaties and Other International Agreements,” which shall contain all treaties to which the United States is a party that have been proclaimed during each calendar year, and all international agreements other than treaties to which the United States is a party that have been signed, proclaimed, or with reference to which any other final formality has been executed, during each calendar year. The said United States Treaties and Other International Agreements shall be legal evidence of the treaties, international agreements other than treaties, and proclamations by the President of such treaties and agreements, therein contained, in all the courts of the United States, the several States, and the Territories and insular possessions of the United States.

(b) Copies of international agreements and qualifying non-binding instruments in the possession of the Department of State, but not published, other than the agreements described in section 112b(b)(3)(A), shall be made available by the Department of State upon request.

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