Home » United States » 2 U.S. Code § 28c: Distribution of Precedents by Director of the Government Publishing Office

2 U.S. Code § 28c: Distribution of Precedents by Director of the Government Publishing Office

2 U.S. Code § 28c

2 U.S. Code § 28c is about Distribution of Precedents by Director of the Government Publishing Office. It is under Chapter 2 (Organization of Congress) of Title 2 (The Congress) of the Code.

(a) Delivery to Members of Ninety-fifth Congress; marking of volumes
The Director of the Government Publishing Office shall deliver one set of the Precedents to each Senator or Representative in, or Delegate or Resident Commissioner to, the Ninety-fifth Congress. The name of the Member to whom the set is delivered shall be legibly stamped on the front cover of each volume of the set.

(b) Members of Congress following Ninety-fifth Congress not already having sets of Precedents; necessity of written request to Superintendent of Documents for set
Each Senator or Representative in, or Delegate or Resident Commissioner to, each Congress following the Ninety-fifth Congress who has not theretofore received a set of the Precedents shall be entitled to receive one set of the Precedents, upon transmitting a written request for such set to the Superintendent of Documents.

(c)Additional distribution of sets
The Director of the Government Publishing Office shall make the following distribution of sets of the Precedents:
(1) to the office of the Vice President, to the office of the speaker of the House of Representatives, and to the office of the President pro tempore of the Senate, each, five sets;
(2) to the office of the majority leader of the House of Representatives and to the office of the minority leader of the House of Representatives, each, three sets;
(3) to the Parliamentarian of the House of Representatives, sixty sets;
(4) to the Parliamentarian of the Senate, five sets;
(5) to the Clerk of the House of Representatives and to the Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives, each [1] two sets;
(6) to the Secretary of the Senate and to the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate, each, two sets;
(7) to the superintendent of the House document room, two sets;
(8) to the superintendent of the Senate document room, two sets;
(9) to the Library of Congress, for international exchange and for official use in Washington, District of Columbia, one hundred and fifty sets;
(10) to the National Archives, three sets;
(11) to the government of the District of Columbia, twelve sets;
(12) to the Smithsonian Institute, two sets;
(13) to the library of each legislative branch of each State, territory, and possession of the United States, one set; and
(14) to the Superintendent of Documents, eight hundred and sixteen sets for distribution to the depository library system.

See also  5 U.S. Code § 8709: Insurance policies

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