LawGlobal Hub

Section 13-20 of the Nigerian Labour Act 2004

CLICK HERE – Labour Act ↓ Section 1-6 (Protection of wages) Section 7-12 (Contracts of employment) Section 13-20 (Terms and conditions of employment) Section 21-22 (General) Section 23-32 (Recruiters and recruiting generally) Section 33-35 (Recruiting for employment in Nigeria) Section 36-44 (Recruiting for employment outside Nigeria ) Section 45-47 (Enforcement provisions ) Section 48 (Application) […]

Section 7-12 of the Nigerian Labour Act 2004

CLICK HERE – Labour Act ↓ Section 1-6 (Protection of wages) Section 7-12 (Contracts of employment) Section 13-20 (Terms and conditions of employment) Section 21-22 (General) Section 23-32 (Recruiters and recruiting generally) Section 33-35 (Recruiting for employment in Nigeria) Section 36-44 (Recruiting for employment outside Nigeria ) Section 45-47 (Enforcement provisions ) Section 48 (Application) […]

Section 1-6 of the Nigerian Labour Act 2004

CLICK HERE – Labour Act ↓ Section 1-6 (Protection of wages) Section 7-12 (Contracts of employment) Section 13-20 (Terms and conditions of employment) Section 21-22 (General) Section 23-32 (Recruiters and recruiting generally) Section 33-35 (Recruiting for employment in Nigeria) Section 36-44 (Recruiting for employment outside Nigeria ) Section 45-47 (Enforcement provisions ) Section 48 (Application) […]

Second Schedule – Nigerian Electoral Act 2010

Second Schedule – Electoral Act 2010 Section 28 (1) INDEPENDENT NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISSION OATH/ AFFIRMATION OF NEUTRALITY I do solemnly swear/affirm that I will be faithful to theFederal Republic of Nigeria; that as……………………………………………………………………Iwill discharge my duties to the best of my ability inaccordance with the Constitution of the Federal Republicof Nigeria, the Electoral Act and […]

First Schedule – Nigerian Electoral Act 2010

First Schedule – Nigerian Electoral Act 2010 Rules of Procedure for Election Petitions In this Schedule-“Attorney-General” means the Attorney-General of theFederation and includes the Attorney-General of a Statewhere the context admits;“Civil Procedure Rules” means the Civil Procedure Rules ofthe Federal High Court for the time being in force;“Election” means any election under this Act to […]

Section 146-158 of the Nigerian Electoral Act 2010

Section 146-158 of the Nigerian Electoral Act 2010 Section 146 to 158 of the Nigerian Electoral Act 2010 is under PART IX (MISCELLANEOUS) of the act. Section 146 of the Electoral Act 2010 Persons disqualified from acting as election officers No person holding an elective office to which this Actrelates or a registered member of […]

Section 133-145 of the Nigerian Electoral Act 2010

Section 133-145 of the Nigerian Electoral Act 2010 Section 133 to 145 of the Nigerian Electoral Act 2010 is under PART VIII (DETERMINATION OF ELECTION PETITIONS ARISING FROM ELECTIONS) of the act. Section 133 of the Electoral Act 2010 Proceedings to question an election (1) No election and return at an election under thisAct shall […]

Section 117-132 of the Nigerian Electoral Act 2010

Section 117-132 of the Nigerian Electoral Act 2010 Section 117 to132 of the Nigerian Electoral Act 2010 is under PART VII (ELECTORAL OFFENCES) of the Act. Section 117 of the Electoral Act 2010 Offences in relation to registration, etc. (1) A person who-(a) without authority, destroys, mutilates, defaces orremovesor makes any alteration in any notice […]

Section 103-116 of the Nigerian Electoral Act 2010

Section 103-116 of the Electoral Act 2010 Section 103 to 116 of the Electoral Act 2010 is under PART VI (PROCEDURE FOR ELECTION TO AREA COUNCIL) of the act. Section 103 of the Electoral Act 2010 Power of the Commission (1) The conduct of elections into the offices ofChairman, Vice Chairman and a member of […]