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LawGlobal Hub

Nigerian Cases about Alibi (Rationes decidendi)

Nigerian cases on Alibi

Nigerian Cases about Alibi Below are some rationes decidendi about Alibi in Nigerian cases. Alibi is a claim of being somewhere else at the time a crime was committed. Meaning of Alibi ALHAJI MUSA SANI V. THE STATE (2015) Legalpedia (SC) 51133 “Alibi is a Latin word meaning “Elsewhere”. Where an accused person claims he […]

Industrial Designs (Ownership, Registration etc.) – Inioluwa Olaposi

industrial designs in Nigeria

Industrial Designs in Nigeria Want to know about industrial design rights in Nigeria? Sit tight! A lot goes into the production of goods and services. A lot in steps and processes. One major step in the production of an industrial product is the making of a design. In simple parlance, a design is a sketch, […]