LawGlobal Hub

LawGlobal Hub

LawGlobal Hub

LawGlobal Hub

Association of National Accountants of Nigerian Act 1993 (NG)

Association of National Accountants of Nigerian Act An Act to establish the Association of National Accountants of Nigeria charged, among other things, with the responsibility of determining the standard of know-ledge and skill required of persons seeking to become members of the Association.   [Commencement. ]       [25th August, 1993] PART I Establishment, etc., of the Association […]

Associated Gas Re-injection Act 1979 (NG)

Associated Gas Re-injection Act An Act to compel every company producing oil and gas in Nigeria to submit preliminary programmes for gas re-injection and detailed plans for implementation of gas re-injection.  [Commencement.]         [28th September, 1979] 1. Duty to submit preliminary programme for gas re-injection Notwithstanding the provisions of regulation 42 of the Petroleum (Drilling and […]

Army Color (Prohibition of Use) Act 1977 (NG)

Army Color (Prohibition of Use) Act An Act to prohibit the use of army green colour (as specified in the Schedule) by vehicles other than Nigerian Army vehicles.  [Commencement.]          [4th April, 1977] 1. Prohibition of use of vehicles painted in army green As from the commencement of this Act, it shall be unlawful for […]