LawGlobal Hub

C. Duclaud V. Mrs M. H. Ginoux (1969) LLJR-SC

C. Duclaud V. Mrs M. H. Ginoux (1969) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report Per Coker, J.S.C. The appellant has appealed from the judgment of the High Court, Kano State (Holden, J.) given on the 14th March, 1966, whereby he was adjudged to pay to the respondents a total amount of £3,150 representing assessed damages for negligence and […]

Pastor S. G. Adegboyega & 2 Ors V. Peter Otasowie Igbinosun & Ors (1969) LLJR-SC

Pastor S. G. Adegboyega & 2 Ors V. Peter Otasowie Igbinosun & Ors (1969) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report In Suit LD/532/66 Sowemimo J. on the 29th of May, 1967 in the Lagos High Court gave judgment in the following terms:- “In respect of the claim therefore there will be judgment for the plaintiffs for the […]

Pastor S. G. Adegboyega & 2 Ors V. Peter Otasowie Igbinosun & Ors (1969) LLJR-SC

Pastor S. G. Adegboyega & 2 Ors V. Peter Otasowie Igbinosun & Ors (1969) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report Per Coker, J.S.C. The respondents in this appeal were the plaintiffs in Benin High Court Suit No. B/57/67, where their writ of summons was endorsed as follows:- The Plaintiffs claim from the defendants is as follows:- l. A […]

Minister Of Lands Western Nigeria Vs Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe & Ors (1969) LLJR-SC

Minister Of Lands Western Nigeria Vs Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe & Ors (1969) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report Per Coker, J.S.C.  This appeal is a sequel to a determination by the High Court pursuant to the provisions of section 10 of the Public Lands Acquisition Law (Cap. 105, Western Nigeria Laws 1959). In the High Court, Ikeja, in […]

Adeniran Ayodele Ojo Vs Modupe Olufunmilayo Ojo (1969) LLJR-SC

Adeniran Ayodele Ojo Vs Modupe Olufunmilayo Ojo (1969) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report FATAYI-WILLIAMS, J.S.C. In Suit No. HD/41/66 filed in the High Court of Lagos, the petitioner (now appellant) filed a petition against the respondent praying for the dissolution of their marriage on the grounds of adultery, desertion and cruelty. He also prayed that he […]

United Nigeria Press Ltd. And Anor Vs Timothy Olu Adebanjo (1969) LLJR-SC

United Nigeria Press Ltd. And Anor Vs Timothy Olu Adebanjo (1969) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report FATAI-WILLIAMS, J.S.C. In this application made ex-party, the applicant who is the respondent in this appeal is applying for an order that all the papers pertaining to an earlier application for the release to him of the judgment debt already […]

Dr. O. O. Hunponu Wusu V. Abimbola Hunponu Wusu (1969) LLJR-SC

Dr. O. O. Hunponu Wusu V. Abimbola Hunponu Wusu (1969) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report Per Ademola, C.J.N. The husband petitioner who is the appellant in this matter is a medical practitioner. He complained that his petition before the learned Chief Justice of the High Court of Lagos State seeking a declaration that the marriage between him […]

Kasunmu Ajeja Vs Ezekiel Adedapo Ajayi & Anor (1969) LLJR-SC

Kasunmu Ajeja Vs Ezekiel Adedapo Ajayi & Anor (1969) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report ADEMOLA, C.J.N. This is an appeal from the judgment of the High Court, Ibadan dismissing the plaintiff’s claim for a declaration of title under native law and custom to a piece of land in Ajeja compound, Oje, Ibadan, and an injunction restraining […]