LawGlobal Hub

Ishola Akinlaso V. Suebatu Ile Onimago (1973) LLJR-SC

Ishola Akinlaso V. Suebatu Ile Onimago (1973) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report G. B. A. COKER, J.S.C We are satisfied that this appeal has no merits. A number of grounds of appeal were canvassed before us and these attack the findings of fact by the Upper Area Court, the reception of the evidence of unsworn witnesses, […]

Sunday Idemudia Ebamawo v. Madam Rose Fadiyo (1973) LLJR-SC

Sunday Idemudia Ebamawo v. Madam Rose Fadiyo (1973) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report FATAYI-WILLIAMS, J.S.C. In an action commenced in the Benin Customary Court No.3, the particulars of the plaintiffs claim read “The plaintiffs claim against the defendant is for a declaration of title of ownership to a piece of land measuring 100 feet by 98 […]

English Exporters (London) Ltd v. S.A. Ayanda (1973) LLJR-SC

English Exporters (London) Ltd v. S.A. Ayanda (1973) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report B. A. COKER, J.S.C. In the High Court Lagos, the plaintiffs, now appellants, instituted an action against the defendants, now respondents, by a writ endorsed as follows “The plaintiff’s claim against the defendant is for 877pounds 16s 8d being damages for the loss […]

Ishola Akinlaso Vs Suebata Ile Onimago (1973) LLJR-SC

Ishola Akinlaso Vs Suebata Ile Onimago (1973) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report G.B.A. COKER, JSC.  We are satisfied that this appeal has no merits. A number of grounds of appeal were canvassed before us and these attack the findings of fact by the Upper Area Court, the reception of the evidence of unsworn witnesses, the lack […]

Innocent Okafor & Anor V. Johnson Okitiakpe (1973) LLJR-SC

Innocent Okafor & Anor V. Johnson Okitiakpe (1973) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report B. A. COKER, J.S.C The present respondent was the plaintiff in an action which arose from a traffic accident which occurred on the 4th March, 1964. He instituted the action in the High Court, Ughelli (Mid-West State) against one Innocent Okafor and the […]

Oterail Odadhe v. Otowodo Okujeni & Ors. (1973) LLJR-SC

Oterail Odadhe v. Otowodo Okujeni & Ors. (1973) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report IBEKWE, J.S.C In an action instituted in the Ughelli High Court, the plaintiff herein appellant claimed for himself and on behalf of the Imowhe family of Emevor against the 1st and 2nd defendants, ‘a3500 damages for trespass on the plaintiff’s parcel of land […]

Okolie Okolo & Ors v. Sammy Onwuegbuzia Nnwamu & Ors (1973) LLJR-SC

Okolie Okolo & Ors v. Sammy Onwuegbuzia Nnwamu & Ors (1973) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report B. A. COKER, J.S.C.  The plaintiffs have appealed against the judgment of Arthur Prest, J. (High Court, Agbor, Mid-Western State) by which he had dismissed with costs their claims for a declaration of title to certain lands in the State; […]

Alhaji A. W. Elias Vs Alhaji B.a. Suleimon & 2 Ors (1973) LLJR-SC

Alhaji A. W. Elias Vs Alhaji B.a. Suleimon & 2 Ors (1973) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report FATAYI-WILLIAMS, JSC In Suit No. HK/6/59 filed in the Lagos High Court, the plaintiff, now appellant, had instituted an action against the defendants, now respondents, in which he had claimed against them as follows: “1. Declaration of title in […]

Frank Mukoro-Mowoe v. The State (1973) LLJR-SC

Frank Mukoro-Mowoe v. The State (1973) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report FATAYI-WILLIAMS, J.S.C. On 29th June, 1972, at the Warri High Court, the 1st accused (now appellant), a legal practitioner, was convicted on six counts-one of conspiracy to commit a felony, three of personation, one of forgery and one of stealing. One Robinson Oye who was […]

Christian Emeryi v. The State (1973) LLJR-SC

Christian Emeryi v. The State (1973) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report S. SOWEMIMO, J.S.C. The appellant, who was the accused in charge No. LA/36/72, was tried at the Lagos Assizes for the murder of one Funmilayo George, hereinafter referred to as “deceased”, on or about the 6th day of September, 1969. The trial was by jury. […]