LawGlobal Hub

Samson Okoruwa & Anor Vs The State (1975) LLJR-SC

Samson Okoruwa & Anor Vs The State (1975) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report O. ELIAS, C.J.N.  On Thursday, April 24, 1975, we heard the appeal from the judgment of Omo Eboh, J., given in Charge No. U/11c/71 at the High Court at Ubiaja, Mid-Western State of Nigeria, in which he purported to have sentenced each of […]

A.U. Deduwa & Ors. v. The State (1975) LLJR-SC

A.U. Deduwa & Ors. v. The State (1975) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report A. B. A. COKER, J.S.C.  In the High Court, Warri, presided over by Atake, J., the three appellants were cited for contempt of court and were sentenced each to a fine or six months imprisonment I.H.L. The gravamen of the offence was that […]

Ohaegbulam Onyema V. The State (1975) LLJR-SC

Ohaegbulam Onyema V. The State (1975) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report A. O. OBASEKI, AG. J.S.C. The appellant was tried in the High Court of the Umuahia Judicial Division of the East Central State holden at Umuahia by Aniagolu, J., for the offence of murder of one Olukwu Nwankwo and found guilty but insane on the […]

Alhaji Rauph O. Gaji Vs The State (1975) LLJR-SC

Alhaji Rauph O. Gaji Vs The State (1975) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report B. A. COKER, J.S.C. The present appellant, Alhaji Rauph Omobolaji Gaji, is a legal practitioner of many years standing and the appeal before us is sequel to the unfortunate circumstances which led to his trial and conviction by the High Court, Kaduna, on […]

Nomeh Oka V. The State (1975) LLJR-SC

Nomeh Oka V. The State (1975) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report On the 2nd October, 1975 the appeal in this case was allowed and the conviction for murder of the appellant was quashed and the sentence of death set aside. This court entered a finding of not guilty of the said charge and ordered that the […]

Adeshina Moses & Anor Vs Saibu Ogunlabi (1975) LLJR-SC

Adeshina Moses & Anor Vs Saibu Ogunlabi (1975) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report B. A. COKER, J.S.C.  The present appellants were the defendants in proceedings in the High Court of Lagos in which they were sued for the following claims:- “1. A declaration that the Volkswagen Bus registration No. LU 848 is the property of the […]

Alhaji Labaran Nakyauta Vs Alhaji Ibrahim Maikima & Anor (1975) LLJR-SC

Alhaji Labaran Nakyauta Vs Alhaji Ibrahim Maikima & Anor (1975) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report B. A. COKER, J.S.C.  The appellant herein has appealed against the judgment of the High Court, Kano, dismissing his case against the two defendants who are the present respondents. In the High Court, Kano, his writ against the defendants has been […]

Permanent Secretary, Ministry Of Works, Kwara State & Anor V. S. Balogun (1975) LLJR-SC

Permanent Secretary, Ministry Of Works, Kwara State & Anor V. S. Balogun (1975) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report G. B. A. COKER, J.S.C.  The issues raised on this appeal are of exceptional importance for although they were based substantially on the pleas of res judicata and limitation, they concern as well the consequential orders to be […]

T.A.A. Awosanya Vs Board Of Customs & Excise (1975) LLJR-SC

T.A.A. Awosanya Vs Board Of Customs & Excise (1975) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report O. ELIAS, C.J.N.  In Charge No. FRC/L/20/74, Belgore J., found Mr T.A.A. Awosanya, Senior Magistrate, Lagos State, guilty of criminal contempt of his court in that the accused person had disobeyed his order to stay further proceedings in a case before the […]

John Holt & Co. Ltd Vs Jonas N. Ezeuko (1975) LLJR-SC

John Holt & Co. Ltd Vs Jonas N. Ezeuko (1975) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report S. SOWEMIMO, J.S.C. On 17th May, 1973, Agbakoba, J., sitting at the court of the Onitsha Judicial Division, East Central State, gave judgment in favour of the plaintiff, respondent before us, in the following terms:- “In the final result I would […]