LawGlobal Hub

Oyebisi Afolabi Usenfowokan Vs Sule Salami Idowu & Anor (1975) LLJR-SC

Oyebisi Afolabi Usenfowokan Vs Sule Salami Idowu & Anor (1975) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report S. SOWEMIMO, J.S.C.  The term ‘right, title or interest’ of a judgment debtor in realty, sold at auction sale ordered by a court, often raises some difficulty, when conflicting claims are made. Such difficulty is easily resolved once it can be […]

Tufu Akubueze Chinekwe & Ors Vs Chief M. Ogo Ibeziako (1975) LLJR-SC

Tufu Akubueze Chinekwe & Ors Vs Chief M. Ogo Ibeziako (1975) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report ELIAS, CJN. This is an appeal against the judgment of Egbuna J., which was delivered at the Onitsha High Court on March 29, 1972, in Suits 0/6/71 and 0/20/71 in which the plaintiff was granted a declaration of title and […]

In Re – Omada Edobor (1975) LLJR-SC

In Re – Omada Edobor (1975) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report FATAYI-WILLIAMS, JSC.  The accused, now appellant, was convicted of the murder of his sister, Owie Edobor, in the Benin High Court on 26th July, 1974. At the hearing of the appeal against the conviction on 30th October, 1975, we allowed the appeal, set aside the […]

The Executive Secretary (Family Planning Council of Nigeria) v. Mrs. Ajayi-Obe (1975) LLJR-SC

The Executive Secretary (Family Planning Council of Nigeria) v. Mrs. Ajayi-Obe (1975) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report T. O. ELIAS, C.J.N.   The plaintiff claimed in Suit No. LD/627/72 an injunction restraining the defendant, its servants or agents from committing a breach of their Contract of Employment with the plaintiff. Adedipe, J., gave judgment in favour of […]

B. O. Benson Vs Lawrence Otubor (1975) LLJR-SC

B. O. Benson Vs Lawrence Otubor (1975) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report O. ELIAS, C.J.N.  This is an appeal against the judgment of George, J., in Suit No. LD/232/71 delivered in the Lagos High Court on November 24, 1972 in which the plaintiff was awarded the sum of 750 as general and special damages suffered by […]

Isiaku Lalluwa Auta Vs The State (1975) LLJR-SC

Isiaku Lalluwa Auta Vs The State (1975) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report FATAYI-WILLIAMS, J.S.C.  At the Kaduna High Court, the accused, now appellant, pleaded not guilty to two offences preferred against him under sections 221 and 247 of the Penal Code of the Northern States of Nigeria. In the first count he was charged under section […]

Taiwo & Ors V. Lawani & Ors (1975) LLJR-SC

Taiwo & Ors V. Lawani & Ors (1975) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report ELIAS, CJN. In consolidated Suit Nos. IK/174/63 and IK/204/63, the plaintiffs claimed from the defendants jointly and severally the sum of £500 as damages for trespass to their land at Abule Ijeshatedo, Itire, Ikeja District, and an injunction restraining the defendants and such […]

G. F. Oyedele Vs P.b. Ogun & Anor (1975) LLJR-SC

G. F. Oyedele Vs P.b. Ogun & Anor (1975) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report B. A. COKER, J.S.C.  The proceedings herein were commenced before the Registrar of Titles, Lagos, where the present appellant was the applicant. The present respondents were described as the objectors to the application of the applicant to be registered as the proprietor […]