LawGlobal Hub

LawGlobal Hub

LawGlobal Hub

LawGlobal Hub

African Continental Sea Ways V Nigeria Dredging Roads and General Work Ltd (1977) LLJR-SC

African Continental Sea Ways V Nigeria Dredging Roads and General Work Ltd (1977) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report A. G. IRIKEFE, J.S.C.  The appellants by their plaint filed at the Federal Revenue Court on 24th April, 1974 claimed against the respondents: “(a) A declaration that there is a valid and subsisting agreement between the plaintiff and […]

Richard Ejegi V Commissioner Of Police (1977) LLJR-SC

Richard Ejegi V Commissioner Of Police (1977) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report BELLO, J.S.C.  The Appellant was a vehicle inspection officer. The case resulting in this appeal arose from the purported discharge of the duties of his office under the Road Traffic Regulations 1971 of the Mid-Western State (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), namely, to […]

James O. Jegede V. Madam Alimotu L. Giwa & Ors (1977) LLJR-SC

James O. Jegede V. Madam Alimotu L. Giwa & Ors (1977) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report FATAYI-WILLIAMS, J.S.C.  In these proceedings which were commenced in the High Court of Lagos State, the plaintiff claimed against the defendants jointly and severally the sum of 1,500(pounds) (N3,000) being money paid to the defendants by the plaintiff on the […]

Lawrence Ogbodi Odidika & Anor V The State (1977) LLJR-SC

Lawrence Ogbodi Odidika & Anor V The State (1977) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report A. R. ALEXANDER, C.J.N. The appellants were the first and second accused persons amongst seven accused persons tried by a tribunal pursuant to the provisions of the Robbery and Firearms (Special Provisions) Decree 1970 No. 47 of 1970, as amended (hereafter referred […]

Stephen Ukorah V. The State (1977) LLJR-SC

Stephen Ukorah V. The State (1977) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report IDIGBE, J.S.C. We now give our reasons for allowing this appeal on the 24th March, 1977.  In the High Court of Bendel State holden at Warri, the appellant was convicted and sentenced to death on the 30th July, 1976 for the murder of Raphael Okafor on […]

G. A. Odeneye V Oyeyipo Alakata (1977) LLJR-SC

G. A. Odeneye V Oyeyipo Alakata (1977) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report O. OBASEKI, J.S.C.  This is an appeal against the judgment of the High Court of Lagos State (Bakare, J.) given on appeal from the Acting Deputy Registrar of Titles (Mr. Olusola Thomas) who dismissed the objection of the appellant to an application for first […]

Udhude Emarieru & Anor V Samuel Ovirie & Ors (1977) LLJR-SC

Udhude Emarieru & Anor V Samuel Ovirie & Ors (1977) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report SIR UDO UDOMA, JSC. This is an appeal from the High Court of Mid-Western, now Bendel State. It is against the judgment on appeal of the High Court in which the judgment of the Magistrate’s Court, Oleh, from the Uzere Customary […]

Joseph Daboul Ltd V. Chief A. Majekodunmi (1977) LLJR-SC

Joseph Daboul Ltd V. Chief A. Majekodunmi (1977) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report D. A. R. ALEXANDER, C.J.N.  At the conclusion of the hearing of this appeal, and without calling on learned counsel for the respondent, it became clear to us that this appeal was without substance or merit and we accordingly dismissed it. We now […]