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Indian Penal Code (IPC Sections 1-267) 1860

Indian Penal Code 1860 List of Sections CHAPTER I – INTRODUCTION (S. 1-5) Preamble.—WHEREAS it is expedient to provide a general Penal Code for [India]; It is enacted as follows:— Section 1 Indian Penal Code – Title and extent of operation of the Code. Section 2 Indian Penal Code – Punishment of offences committed within […]

Section 13 Indian Divorce Act 1869

Section 13 Indian Divorce Act Section 13 of the Indian Divorce Act 1869 is about Dismissal of petition. It is under CHAPTER III (DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE) of the Act. Dismissal of petition In case the Court, on the evidence in relation to any such petition, is satisfied that the petitioner’s case has not been proved, […]

Section 12 Indian Divorce Act 1869

Section 12 Indian Divorce Act Section 12 of the Indian Divorce Act 1869 is about Court to be satisfied of absence of collusion. It is under CHAPTER III (DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE) of the Act. Court to be satisfied of absence of collusion Upon any such petition for the dissolution of a marriage, the Court shall […]

Section 11 Indian Divorce Act 1869

Section 11 Indian Divorce Act Section 11 of the Indian Divorce Act 1869 is about Adulterer to be co-respondent. It is under CHAPTER III (DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE) of the Act. Adulterer to be co-respondent On a petition for dissolution of marriage presented by a husband or wife on the ground of adultery, the petitioner shall […]

Section 10A Indian Divorce Act 1869

Section 10A Indian Divorce Act Section 10A of the Indian Divorce Act 1869 is about Dissolution of marriage by mutual consent. It is under CHAPTER III (DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE) of the Act. Dissolution of marriage by mutual consent [(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act and the rules made thereunder, a petition for dissolution […]

Section 10 Indian Divorce Act 1869

Section 10 Indian Divorce Act Section 10 of the Indian Divorce Act 1869 is about Grounds for dissolution of marriage. It is under CHAPTER III (DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE) of the Act. Grounds for dissolution of marriage (1) Any marriage solemnized, whether before or after the commencement of the Indian Divorce (Amendment) Act, 2001 (51 of […]

Section 9 Indian Divorce Act 1869

Section 9 Indian Divorce Act Section 9 of the Indian Divorce Act 1869 is about Reference to High Court. It is under CHAPTER II (JURISDICTION) of the Act. Reference to High Court When any question of law or usage having the force of law arises at any point in the proceedings previous to the hearing […]

Section 8 Indian Divorce Act 1869

Section 8 Indian Divorce Act Section 4 of the Indian Divorce Act 1869 is about Extraordinary jurisdiction of High Court. It is under CHAPTER II (JURISDICTION) of the Act. Extraordinary jurisdiction of High Court The High Court may, whenever it thinks fit, remove and try and determine as a Court of original jurisdiction any suit […]

Section 6 Indian Divorce Act 1869

Section 6 Indian Divorce Act Section 6 of the Indian Divorce Act 1869 is about Pending suits. It is under CHAPTER II (JURISDICTION) of the Act. Pending suits All suits and proceedings in causes and matters matrimonial, which when this Act comes into operation are pending in any High Court, shall be dealt with and […]

Section 5 Indian Divorce Act 1869

Section 5 Indian Divorce Act Section 5 of the Indian Divorce Act 1869 is about Enforcement of decrees or orders made heretofore by Supreme or High Court. It is under CHAPTER II (JURISDICTION) of the Act. Enforcement of decrees or orders made heretofore by Supreme or High Court Any decree or order of the late […]