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LawGlobal Hub

Indian Divorce Act 1869 (full text)

Indian Divorce Act 1869 The Indian Divorce Act 1869 is an Act to amend the law relating to Divorce and Matrimonial Causes. Preamble WHEREAS it is expedient to amend the law relating to the divorce of personsprofessing the Christian religion, and to confer upon certain Courts jurisdiction in matters matrimonial; it is hereby enacted as […]

Section 62 Indian Divorce Act 1869

Section 62 Indian Divorce Act Section 62 of the Indian Divorce Act 1869 is about Power to make rules. It is under CHAPTER XIV (MISCELLANEOUS) of the Act. Power to make rules The High Court shall make such rules under this Act as it may from time to time consider expedient, and may from time […]

Section 61 Indian Divorce Act 1869

Section 61 Indian Divorce Act Section 61 of the Indian Divorce Act 1869 is about Bar of suit for criminal conversation. It is under CHAPTER XIV (MISCELLANEOUS) of the Act. Bar of suit for criminal conversation After this Act comes into operation, no person competent to present a petition under sections 2 and 10 shall […]

Section 60 Indian Divorce Act 1869

Section 60 Indian Divorce Act Section 60 of the Indian Divorce Act 1869 is about Decree for separation or protection-order valid as to persons dealing with wife before reversal. It is under CHAPTER XIV (MISCELLANEOUS) of the Act. Decree for separation or protection-order valid as to persons dealing with wife before reversal Every decree for […]

Section 59 Indian Divorce Act 1869

Section 59 Indian Divorce Act Section 59 of the Indian Divorce Act 1869 is about English Minister refusing to perform ceremony to permit use of his Church. It is under CHAPTER XIII (RE-MARRIAGE) of the Act. English Minister refusing to perform ceremony to permit use of his Church When any Minister of any Church or […]

Section 58 Indian Divorce Act 1869

Section 58 Indian Divorce Act Section 58 of the Indian Divorce Act 1869 is about English clergyman not compelled to solemnize marriages of persons divorced for adultery. It is under CHAPTER XIII (RE-MARRIAGE) of the Act. English clergyman not compelled to solemnize marriages of persons divorced for adultery No clergyman in Holy Orders of the 1 *** […]

Section 57 Indian Divorce Act 1869

Section 57 Indian Divorce Act Section 57 of the Indian Divorce Act 1869 is about Liberty to parties to marry again. It is under CHAPTER XIII (RE-MARRIAGE) of the Act. Liberty to parties to marry again Where a decree for dissolution or nullity of marriage has been passed and either the time for appeal has […]

Section 56 Indian Divorce Act 1869

Section 56 Indian Divorce Act Section 56 of the Indian Divorce Act 1869 is about Appeal to the Supreme Court. It is under CHAPTER XII (PROCEDURE) of the Act.  Appeal to the Supreme Court Any person may appeal to 1[the Supreme Court] from any decree (other than a decree nisi) or order under this Act of a […]

Section 55 Indian Divorce Act 1869

Section 55 Indian Divorce Act Section 55 of the Indian Divorce Act 1869 is about Enforcement of, and appeals from, orders and decrees. It is under CHAPTER XII (PROCEDURE) of the Act. Enforcement of, and appeals from, orders and decrees All decrees and orders made by the Court in any suit or proceedings under this […]

Section 54 Indian Divorce Act 1869

Section 54 Indian Divorce Act Section 54 of the Indian Divorce Act 1869 is about Power to adjourn. It is under CHAPTER XII (PROCEDURE) of the Act. Power to adjourn The Court may, from time to time, adjourn the hearing of any petition under this Act, and may require further evidence thereon if it sees […]