LawGlobal Hub

LawGlobal Hub

LawGlobal Hub

LawGlobal Hub

Pharmacists Board Of Nigeria & Ors V. S.O. Adebesin & Co. Ltd (1978) LLJR-SC

Pharmacists Board Of Nigeria & Ors V. S.O. Adebesin & Co. Ltd (1978) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report FATAYI-WILLIAMS, J.S.C.  Section 22 subsections 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 of the Poisons and Pharmacy Act (Cap. 152 of the Laws of the Federation) as amended by the Pharmacists Act (No. 26 of 1964) provide as follows:- […]

Sunday Emezue V. E.e.o. Okolo & Ors (1978) LLJR-SC

Sunday Emezue V. E.e.o. Okolo & Ors (1978) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report A. FATAYI-WILLIAMS, JSC The plaintiff and the defendants are resident in Umuahia Ibeku Township. The first and second defendants are officers of the Nigeria Police. The first defendant was, at all material times, the Provincial Police Officer in charge of Umuahia while the […]

Anyasinti Umunna & Ors V. Animudu Okwuraiwe & Ors (1978) LLJR-SC

Anyasinti Umunna & Ors V. Animudu Okwuraiwe & Ors (1978) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report OBASEKI, J.S.C. The appellants were defendants in Suit No. A30/72 instituted by the respondents at Asaba in the Asaba Judicial Division of the High Court of Justice, Mid-Western State (now Bendel State) of Nigeria wherein the respondents as plaintiffs claimed by […]

Samuel Obere V. The Board Of Management, Eku Baptist Hospital (1978) LLJR-SC

Samuel Obere V. The Board Of Management, Eku Baptist Hospital (1978) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report FATAYI-WILLIAMS, J.S.C. The plaintiff was at all material times employed by the defendant as a boiler and steam operator at its Baptist Hospital at Eku. In that capacity, he was obliged to operate a defective machine which is the property […]

Adaran Ogundiani V. O.a.l. Araba & Anor (1978) LLJR-SC

Adaran Ogundiani V. O.a.l. Araba & Anor (1978) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report IDIGBE, JSC  When these proceedings commenced as LD/729/72 in the High Court of Lagos State on the 6th day of July, 1972, the property in dispute, that is, the premises known as No. 46 Akpata (sometimes spelt ‘Apata’) Street at Shomolu in Lagos […]

Paul Ameh V. The State (1978) LLJR-SC

Paul Ameh V. The State (1978) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report FATAYI-WILLIAM, J.S.C. On the 10th December, 1974, in the Lokoja High Court, the accused, now appellant, was charged with the offence of culpable homicide punishable with death. The particulars of the offence state that the accused, on or about the 12th day of February, 1974, […]

Godwin Agbeyegbe V. Seismograph Services (Nig) Limited (1978) LLJR-SC

Godwin Agbeyegbe V. Seismograph Services (Nig) Limited (1978) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report ESO, J.S.C.  In the High Court of the Midwestern State of Nigeria (now Bendel State) holden at Sapele before Ogbobine, J., the plaintiff who is the appellant in this court claimed as follows: “the sum of N1, 780.00 (One Thousand, Seven Hundred and […]

Felix O. Osawaru V. Simeon O. Ezeiruka (1978) LLJR-SC

Felix O. Osawaru V. Simeon O. Ezeiruka (1978) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report ANIAGOLU, J.S.C. The appellant before us was the defendant in an action instituted by the respondent in the then High Court of Midwestern State of Nigeria in the Warri Judicial Division in Suit W/169/73 in which the claim was 1.for possession of premises […]

Chief Nyong Etim & Ors V. Chief Ben E.A. Oyo & Ors (1978) LLJR-SC

Chief Nyong Etim & Ors V. Chief Ben E.A. Oyo & Ors (1978) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report A. G. IRIKEFE, JSC  In this action, instituted at Calabar, in the Calabar Judicial Division of the High Court of the then South Eastern State, the plaintiffs (now respondents), claimed against the defendants (now appellants) as follows:-   […]

Andrew O. Ajufo V. Christopher Ajarbor & Ors (1978) LLJR-SC

Andrew O. Ajufo V. Christopher Ajarbor & Ors (1978) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report IRIKEFE, JSC.  On 11th April, 1970, a Mercedez-Benz lorry No. WB 4760 in which the respondent herein was a fare-paying passenger, careered off the highway near Ubulu-Uku Town in Bendel State, into a ditch and landed on its side. The respondent got […]