LawGlobal Hub

John Reekie V. The Queen (1954) LJR-WACA

John Reekie V. The Queen (1954) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Criminal Law—Sexual Offences—Corroboration; nature of function of Judge and of jury—Trial with Assessors—Misdirection to Assessors on corroboration. Appeals in Criminal Cases—West African Court of Appeal (Criminal Cases) Ordinance, section 4 (1) and proviso, how applied—Misdirection on question of law. […]

The General Manager, Nigerian Railway V. The United Africa Co. Ltd. (1954) LJR-WACA

The General Manager, Nigerian Railway V. The United Africa Co. Ltd. (1954) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Limitation of Actions—Railways Ordinance, section 40—Bailment for reward—Onus in claim for goods not delivered—When cause of action arises. Held Section 40 (1) of the Railways Ordinance provides that:—“No action shall be brought against […]

Madjoub Rafat V. Robert Etrue (1954) LJR-WACA

Madjoub Rafat V. Robert Etrue (1954) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Fraud—Laches and acquiescence.Estoppel—Owner standing by. Facts The appellant bought an unoccupied and dilapidated house at a sale under a writ against the respondent’s sister, and received a certificate of purchase, and later built on the plot. The property belonged […]

Isaac Boye Quaye & Ors V. The Queen (1954) LJR-WACA

Isaac Boye Quaye & Ors V. The Queen (1954) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Appeals in Criminal Cases—Verdict ofguilty—Circumstances for intervening on appeal or otherwise.Criminal Law—Homicide—Felony involving violence—Whether murder or manslaughter.Criminal Code of the Gold Coast—Sections 13 (2) and (3). Facts The case against the appellants was that they went […]

COP V. Daniel Nunoo Kwash (1953) LJR-WACA

COP V. Daniel Nunoo Kwash (1953) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Appeals in Criminal cases—Magistrates’ cases—Prosecutor’s right to appeal from Supreme Court—Criminal Procedure Code, section 324.Criminal Law and Procedure—Conviction on evidence of single witness—Sentence—Criminal record not proved or admitted. Facts The evidence before the Magistrate was that of a single […]

Chief Ehiman Payin & Anor V. Adiaba Aliuah & Anor (1953) LJR-WACA

Chief Ehiman Payin & Anor V. Adiaba Aliuah & Anor (1953) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Tort—Malicious prosecution—Instigating a prosecution—Malice: meaning of. Facts The action under appeal arose out of a prosecution for stealing coconuts from a plantation, of which the respondents were acquitted; they then sued the appellant for […]

Yaw Pay V. The Chief Conservator Of Forests (1954) LJR-WACA

Yaw Pay V. The Chief Conservator Of Forests (1954) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Compensation—Basis of assessment—Interest for delay in assessment—The Forests Ordinance (Cap. 122). Facts The appellant bought the land at public auction shortly before the notice to constitute the Forest Reserve, and the Reserve Settlement Commissioner accepted the […]

Z. H. Parker V. Tribal Authority Of Kagboro Chiefdom (1953) LJR-WACA

Z. H. Parker V. Tribal Authority Of Kagboro Chiefdom (1953) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Tort—False imprisonment—Imprisonment under Native Court’s Order—Bona fide acts in reasonable belief that Court had jurisdiction—Offence against customary law within Courts jurisdiction. Facts The appellant had passed as a Sherbro, led the life of a native, […]

Samuel Balogun Palmer V. Sir George Beresford Stooke & Anor (1953) LJR-WACA

Samuel Balogun Palmer V. Sir George Beresford Stooke & Anor (1953) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Practice and Procedure—Inherent jurisdiction.The Sierra Leone (Legislative Council) Order in Council, 1951—Validity in the Colony. Facts The above Order in Council, which has the heading “ Foreign Jurisdiction ”, was made by the Sovereign […]

Adeyinka Oyekan & Ors V. Musendiku Adele (1952) LJR-WACA

Adeyinka Oyekan & Ors V. Musendiku Adele (1952) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Crown Lands (Township of Lagos) Ordinance (Cap. 44), section 3—Treaty of Cession of Lagos, 1861—Effect of Crown Grants—“Royal Estates ” or “Stool Land.” Facts By the Treaty of 1861 King Docemo transferred to Her Majesty Queeh Victoria […]