LawGlobal Hub

LawGlobal Hub

LawGlobal Hub

LawGlobal Hub

Neka B.V. Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Vs African Continental Bank Ltd (2004) LLJR-SC

Neka B.V. Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Vs African Continental Bank Ltd (2004) LAWGLOBAL HUB Lead Judgment Report C. PATS ACHOLONU, JSC. The Appellants as Plaintiffs had obtained a loan from the Nigerian Building Society by using the title deeds of two of their Directors as collateral. The Respondents as defendants redeemed the loan facility hitherto granted […]

Patrick Izuagbe Okolo & Anor. V.union Bank Of Nigeria Limited (2004) LLJR-SC

Patrick Izuagbe Okolo & Anor. V.union Bank Of Nigeria Limited (2004) LAWGLOBAL HUB Lead Judgment Report TOBI, J.S.C. This appeal concerns bank/customer relationship. The appellants are the customers. The respondent is the bank. The case of the appellants is that the respondent failed to comply with foreign exchange transactions involving the transfer abroad timeously of […]

Friday Aiguoreghian Vs The State (2004) LLJR-SC

Friday Aiguoreghian Vs The State (2004) LAWGLOBAL HUB Lead Judgment Report U. ONU, JSC The 1st and 2nd Appellants were the 1st and 2nd of three persons jointly arraigned before the High Court of the Benin Judicial Division of Edo State holden at Benin City (per Joan Aiwerioghene, J.) on an information of murder punishable […]

Federal Republic Of Nigeria V Alhaji Mika Anache (M) & Ors (2004) LLJR-SC

Federal Republic Of Nigeria V Alhaji Mika Anache (M) & Ors (2004) LAWGLOBAL HUB Lead Judgment Report NIKI TOBI, JSC Chief Adebiyi Olafisoye is the appellant. He was charged along with three other persons before the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory on two counts under the Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Act, […]

Kalu Mark Vs Gabriel Eke (2004) LLJR-SC

Kalu Mark Vs Gabriel Eke (2004) LAWGLOBAL HUB Lead Judgment Report MUSDAPHER, JSC. Gabriel Eke, the respondent herein was the plaintiff before the High Court of Abia State in the Aba Judicial Division holden at Aba, when he claimed against the appellants herein as the defendants jointly and severally as follows:- “The plaintiff claims against […]

Grace Jack Vs University Of Agriculture Makurdi (2004) LLJR-SC

Grace Jack Vs University Of Agriculture Makurdi (2004) LAWGLOBAL HUB Lead Judgment Report KATSINA-ALU, J.S.C.  This appeal is from a decision of the Court of Appeal, Jos Division delivered on 8 May, 2000 in appeal No. CA/J/47/2000 allowing the appeal of the respondent to it against the decision of Ogbole, J. of the High Court […]

Olaide Ibrahim Vs S.A. Ojomo (Now Deceased) (2004) LLJR-SC

Olaide Ibrahim Vs S.A. Ojomo (Now Deceased) (2004) LAWGLOBAL HUB Lead Judgment Report EDOZIE, J.S.C. The respondents herein were the plaintiffs at the Lagos High Court in suit No. LD/1929/90 where they claimed against the appellant as defendant as per the further amended statement of claim dated 31st March, 1992, and the amended writ of […]

Christian Ewo & 3 Ors Vs Ogbodo Ani & 17 Ors (2004) LLJR-SC

Christian Ewo & 3 Ors Vs Ogbodo Ani & 17 Ors (2004) LAWGLOBAL HUB Lead Judgment Report KUTIGI, J.S.C. In the Enugu High Court, the plaintiffs in paragraph 19 of their statement of claim, claim against the defendants jointly and severally as follows – The defendants in paragraphs 15 & 16 of their amended statement […]

Fortune International Bank Plc Vs Pegasus Trading Office (Gmbh) (2004) LLJR-SC

Fortune International Bank Plc Vs Pegasus Trading Office (Gmbh) (2004) LAWGLOBAL HUB Lead Judgment Report UWAIFO, JSC  The plaintiffs (two German companies) sued the defendants for breach of contract arising from two letters of credit (LCs) opened by the 1st defendant bank at the instance of the 2nd defendant in favour of the plaintiffs for […]