LawGlobal Hub

Access Bank V. Onwuliri (2021) LLJR-SC

Access Bank V. Onwuliri (2021) LAWGLOBAL HUB Lead Judgment Report KUDIRAT MOTONMORI OLATOKUNBO KEKERE-EKUN, J.S.C.  By a Writ of Summons filed on 28/7/2003, the Respondent herein, as plaintiff, sought the following reliefs against the appellant, as defendant: (a) Reinstating the plaintiff as a staff of the defendant or accepting the plaintiff’s resignation from the date […]

Ajibode & Ors V. Gbadamosi & Ors (2021) LLJR-SC

Ajibode & Ors V. Gbadamosi & Ors (2021) LAWGLOBAL HUB Lead Judgment Report NWALI SYLVESTER NGWUTA, J.S.C. The Plaintiffs [now Respondents] commenced Suit NO. HCT/72/1995 in the High Court of Ogun State of Nigeria, in the Otta Judicial Division on 24th April, 1995. Endorsed on the writ of summons are the plaintiffs’ (Respondents’) claims against […]

Itok V. Udoyo (2020) LLJR-SC

Itok V. Udoyo (2020) LAWGLOBAL HUB Lead Judgment Report KUDIRAT MOTONMORI OLATOKUNBO KEKERE-EKUN, J.S.C.  The dispute in this appeal began at the District Court, Eket, Akwa Ibom State in 1973. The appellant and two others for themselves and on behalf of the Nung Itok family of Iko Ekwa sued the defendants for themselves and as […]

Mohammed V. State (2020) LLJR-SC

Mohammed V. State (2020) LAWGLOBAL HUB Lead Judgment Report OLABODE RHODES-VIVOUR, J.S.C. This is an appeal against the judgment of the Ilorin Division of the Court of Appeal, delivered on 19th December, 2014 in which the death sentence on the Appellant by an Ilorin High Court was affirmed. The facts are these: On 28th December, […]

Olayode V. State (2020) LLJR-SC

Olayode V. State (2020) LAWGLOBAL HUB Lead Judgment Report MUSA DATTIJO MUHAMMAD, J.S.C. The appellant was arraigned and convicted along with one Fahd Kamaldeen and two others, then at large, for conspiracy and the series of armed robberies they carried out between 2010 and 2011 in Ilorin metropolis on a thirteen count information. On account […]

Onukwube V. State (2020) LLJR-SC

Onukwube V. State (2020) LAWGLOBAL HUB Lead Judgment Report EJEMBI EKO, J.S.C.  The Appellant, as the 2nd accused person, was charged and tried for the offence of armed robbery contrary to 1 (2) (a) of the Robbery and Firearms (Special Provisions) Act, Cap 111 LFN 2004. The particulars of the offence are that: the Appellant […]

Oteri Holdings Ltd V. Oluwa & Ors (2020) LLJR-SC

Oteri Holdings Ltd V. Oluwa & Ors (2020) LAWGLOBAL HUB Lead Judgment Report AMINA ADAMU AUGIE, J.S.C.  The land dispute that led to this Appeal calls into question the dichotomy between Nigerian Customary Law and the received English Law, in relation to land matters. In 1970, a dispute within the Oluwa Chieftaincy Family of Lagos […]

Posu V. State (2020) LLJR-SC

Posu V. State (2020) LAWGLOBAL HUB Lead Judgment Report EJEMBI EKO, J.S.C. The Appellant, convicted and sentenced accordingly for the murder of Abel Afolabi has further appealed to this Court following the dismissal of his appeal at the Lower Court (the Court of Appeal, Ibadan Division). This appeal is thus against the concurrent decisions of […]

Samaila V. State (2020) LLJR-SC

Samaila V. State (2020) LAWGLOBAL HUB Lead Judgment Report MUSA DATTIJO MUHAMMAD, J.S.C. My lords, this is yet another appeal against the concurrent findings of guilt of an appellant by the two Courts below. By charge No: KB/HC/RF/14/2015, the respondent preferred a two count charge of Conspiracy and Armed Robbery Contrary to Sections 5(b) and […]

Sani V. State (2020) LLJR-SC

Sani V. State (2020) LAWGLOBAL HUB Lead Judgment Report OLABODE RHODES-VIVOUR, J.S.C. This is an appeal from the judgment of the Court of Appeal, Makurdi Judicial Division, delivered on 21 December, 2016 which affirmed the 21 years sentence on the appellant by the Chief Judge of Nasarawa State for conspiracy and armed robbery contrary to […]