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LawGlobal Hub

Nigerian Cases on Unchallenged Evidence (Rationes)

Nigerian cases about unchallenged evidence

Nigerian Cases on Unchallenged Evidence A piece of evidence given by a witness on a given point or subject matter or an issue may be said to stand “unchallenged” if there be no other evidence by the adversary on the same issue or subject-matter. Below are some rationes decidendi about Unchallenged Evidence from Nigerian cases. […]

Nigerian Cases on Approbation and Reprobation (Rationes)

Nigerian cases on approbation and reprobation

Below are some rationes decidendi on Approbation and Reprobation from Nigerian cases. It is a settled principle of law in Nigeria that a party, counsel, witness or court is not allowed to approbate and reprobate simultaneously. That is to say, a party cannot approve and disapprove at the same time. Meaning of Approbation and Reprobation […]

Nigerian cases on Condition Precedent (Rationes)

Nigerian cases on condition precedent

Nigerian cases on Condition Precedent A condition precedent is one which delays the vesting of a right until the happening of an event. Below are rationes decidendi on Condition precedent from Nigerian cases. Meaning of condition Precedent FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA V. HON. JUSTICE HYELADZIRA AJIYA NGANJIWA (2022) 17 NWLR (Pt. 1860) 407 – Supreme Court A condition precedent is an […]

Ojolade V. State (2022) LLJR-SC

Ojolade V. State (2022) LAWGLOBAL HUB Lead Judgment Report HELEN MORONKEJI OGUNWUMIJU, J.S.C. This is an appeal against the decision of the Court of Appeal, Kaduna Division Coram: M.A. Oredola Daniel O. Kalio and James Gambo Abundaga JJCA. Which affirmed the conviction of the appellant by the High Court of Jigawa State by Ahmed M. […]

Mu’azu V. State (2022) LLJR-SC

Mu’azu V. State (2022) LAWGLOBAL HUB Lead Judgment Report HELEN MORONKEJI OGUNWUMIJU, J.S.C.  This is an appeal against the decision of the Court of Appeal, Kaduna Division hereinafter referred to as the Court below as contained in the judgment of their Lordships, Uwani Musa Abba Aji, (JCA), Amina Audi Wambai (JCA) and Obietanbara Daniel-Kalio (JCA), […]

Mohammed V. State (2022) LLJR-SC

Mohammed V. State (2022) LAWGLOBAL HUB Lead Judgment Report HELEN MORONKEJI OGUNWUMIJU, J.S.C.  This is an appeal against the judgment of the Court of Appeal, Sokoto Division hereinafter referred to as the Court below Coram: Hussein Mukhtar, (JCA), Muhammed L. Shuaibu (JCA) and Frederick O. Oho (JCA), delivered on 30th of November, 2017 affirming the […]

Mohammed V. State (2022) LLJR-SC

Mohammed V. State (2022) LAWGLOBAL HUB Lead Judgment Report MARY UKAEGO PETER-ODILI, J.S.C. This is an appeal against the judgment of the Court of Appeal, Jos Division or lower Court or Court below delivered on the 16th of July, 2018, Coram: H.A.O. Abiru, U. Onyemenam and E.O. Williams-Dawodu JJCA. The lower Court set aside the […]

Waziri V. Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Committee & Anor (2021) LLJR-SC

Waziri V. Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Committee & Anor (2021) LAWGLOBAL HUB Lead Judgment Report The appellant a legal practitioner, was tried for professional misconduct. Before the Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Committee (LPDC) he defended a six count charge. On 22nd May 2017 the LPDC comprising J.B. Daudu, SAN – Chairman, and 5 other members namely – […]

Utto V. State (2021) LLJR-SC

Utto V. State (2021) LAWGLOBAL HUB Lead Judgment Report SAMUEL CHUKWUDUMEBI OSEJI, J.S.C.  Appellant together with three other persons were alleged to have robbed Esman Fazubazic (PW2) of the sum of N2,000.00 and a Nokia 7250 mobile phone valued at N60,000.00 while armed with a gun. The incident took place at about 8 am on […]

Udeh V. Frn (2021) LLJR-SC

Udeh V. Frn (2021) LAWGLOBAL HUB Lead Judgment Report EJEMBI EKO, J.S.C. This is an appeal against the decision of the Court of Appeal, Port Harcourt Division, delivered on the 21st day of February, 2011 in a criminal matter numbered as CA/PH/66/2009. On 22nd April, 2011 (61 days after the decision appealed was handed down) […]