LawGlobal Hub

LawGlobal Hub

LawGlobal Hub

LawGlobal Hub

What To Do If You Are Accused Of A Serious Crime

It can feel like your life is spiraling if you are arrested for a serious crime, but it is important that you keep your cool and cooperate so that you can seek the best possible outcome. Whether you have committed the crime or not, or whether or not it was accidental, you will need to […]

Disability and the Law: What You Need to Know

If you are disabled, it is important that you know what protections you have under the law and where you stand legally in multiple situations. Read on for a comprehensive guide on the information that you need to know about the law if you are disabled (or suddenly become disabled). Are you classed as disabled? […]

A Checklist to Identify Whether You Have a Valid Personal Injury Claim

Personal injury law

A Checklist to Identify Whether You Have a Valid Personal Injury Claim Any injury, whether minor or major, can hinder your ability to function as you usually would. In cases where the damages are severe, you would have to face not just physical side effects but emotional tantrums as well. If you’re suffering as a […]

Realist School of Law: Merits and Demerits – Jimoh Samuel

Realist theory of law

Realist School of Law All schools of law are founded on the substructure of ‘no ideal or widely accepted definition of law.’ This automatically implies that efforts by theorists to give specific definition of law has not survived ‘critique’s test’ because all theories has criticisms that accompany it. Realist school of law is no exception. […]

History and Evolution of Banking Legislation in Nigeria – Victor Odii

Evolution of Banking legislation in Nigeria

History and Evolution of Banking Legislation in Nigeria BRIEF HISTORY OF BANKING IN NIGERIA Modern banking practices, as we know it today, is a concept totally alien to the precolonial Nigeria. Apparently, the evolution of banking system in Nigeria, through West Africa, owes its existence wholly to the advent of the Europeans and colonialism in […]