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Article VI Section 2 Pennsylvania Constitution – Incompatible Offices

Article VI Section 2 Pennsylvania Constitution Article VI Section 2 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is about Incompatible Offices. Article VI is titled Public Officers, it has 7 sections. Incompatible Offices No member of Congress from this State, nor any person holding or exercising any office or appointment of trust or profit under the […]

Article VI Section 1 Pennsylvania Constitution

Article VI Section 1 Pennsylvania Constitution Article VI Section 1 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is about Section of Officers Not Otherwise Provided for in Constitution. Article VI is titled Public Officers, it has 7 sections. Section of Officers Not Otherwise Provided for in Constitution All officers, whose selection is not provided for in […]

Schedule to Judiciary Article – Pennsylvania Constitution

Schedule to Judiciary Article Courts Other Than in the City of Philadelphia and Allegheny County Section 1: The Supreme Court The Supreme Court shall exercise all the powers and, until otherwise provided by law, jurisdiction now vested in the present Supreme Court and, until otherwise provided by law, the accused in all cases of felonious […]