LawGlobal Hub

Kwesi Enimil & Ors V. Kwesi Tuakyi & Ors (1950) LJR-WACA

Kwesi Enimil & Ors V. Kwesi Tuakyi & Ors (1950) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Application of English Law where parties are natives—Whether native orEnglish law applies depends on the circumstances relating to the transaction—Forfeiture of rights by reason of denying overlordship. Facts The parties in this action were all […]

Kwesi Enimil & Ors V. Kwesi Tuakyi & Anor (1952) LJR-WACA

Kwesi Enimil & Ors V. Kwesi Tuakyi & Anor (1952) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Effect on claim to possession or occupation of land of a Judgment against claimant that he is liable to pay tribute to ont of those against whom he claims such possession or occupation-Term “owner” frequently […]

Akpan IWok Ekanem V. The King (1950) LJR-WACA

Akpan IWok Ekanem V. The King (1950) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Submission of no case to answer—Where rejected Judge’s findings should be confined to ruling—Undesirable that there should be any observations on thefacts of the case. Facts At the close of the Crown case, Counsel for the appellant submitted […]

Hycienth Egbe V. The King (1950) LJR-WACA

Hycienth Egbe V. The King (1950) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Standard of Proof required in a criminal trial—Where evidence showsinconsistencies and conflictions the Judge should express clearly and in detailconclusions reached—Mere statement that Judge had no reasonable doubtinsufficient. Facts The appellant was convicted of murder. The evidence revealed contradictions […]

George. Diamantides V. Chief Inspector Of Mines (1950) LJR-WACA

George. Diamantides V. Chief Inspector Of Mines (1950) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Agent provocateur—Impropriety of procuring ‘commission of an offence by an agent provocateur—Legality of conviction not affected—Meaning of the mord ” persons ” in the proviso to Regulation 53 (1) of the Mineral Regulations considered. Facts The appellant […]

George Kwaku Danso & Anor V. The King (1950) LJR-WACA

George Kwaku Danso & Anor V. The King (1950) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Joint Trial—Discretion of the Judge to be exercised judicially—Appellable court will not interfere unless st appears that a miscarriage of justice has resulted from joint trial—Misdirection—Cautioned statement by second Appellant implicating first Appellant admitted against the […]