LawGlobal Hub

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LawGlobal Hub

Rex V. Elias Bamin (1946) LJR-WACA

Rex V. Elias Bamin (1946) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Defence Regulations (Sierra Leone)—.Regulation No. 26A—Possession ofproperty reasonably suspected of having been stolen—Trial Judge’s directionto Assessors—Quantum of proof that possession by accused was lawful—Discharge of that onus—Sentence. Facts The appellant appealed against his conviction for having in his possession property […]

Rex V. Kwaku Awonu (1946) LJR-WACA

Rex V. Kwaku Awonu (1946) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Criminal Law—Gold Coast Criminal Code, sections 232, 231, 141, 212,14 (1)—Manslaughter by negligence—Law of Gold Coast and Nigeria as to man-slaughter by negligence—Penalty—Reduction of sentence. Facts In the circumstances of this case, as set out in the judgment, the trial […]

Rex V. Ashigifuwo (1948) LJR-WACA

Rex V. Ashigifuwo (1948) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Murder—Defence of insanity—Factors to be taken into account in decidingsuccess or failure of this defence—Nigeria Criminal Code, section 28—Quantum of proof. Mere absence of any evidence of motive for a crime is not a sufficient ground upon which to infer mania. […]

Rex V. Hogan Antia & Anor (1949) LJR-WACA

Rex V. Hogan Antia & Anor (1949) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Criminal Law—Possession of unfinished currency notes—What are “unfinishednotes “. The charge related to possession of blank slips, the size and shape of West African Currency Notes, bearing on one side an inscription in Arabic characters similar to that […]

Rex V. Kwame Amoah (1947) LJR-WACA

Rex V. Kwame Amoah (1947) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Criminal Law and Procedure—Sentence—Error and subsequent correction andamendment by trial Judge. Facts The appellants were charged on several counts and the trial Judge, in error, passed sentence upon the fourth and fifth appellants on count 1 whereon he had acquitted […]

Rex V. Amissah (1946) LJR-WACA

Rex V. Amissah (1946) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Receiving stolen property—Constructive possession. Before a person can be convicted of dishonestly receiving goods, there must be physical or constructive possession. ” Constructive possession ” means that the goods must be in the possession of a person whose relationship with the […]

Rex V. Rufai Alli & Anor (1949) LJR-WACA

Rex V. Rufai Alli & Anor (1949) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Criminal Law—Murder—Evidence—Evidence Ordinance, section 177—Necessity for close scrutiny of evidence of an accused- implicating a co-accused. The only evidence against the first appellant was that of the second appellant and while this could not be ignored, it should, […]

Rex V. Akiyemi Akiwumi (1948) LJR-WACA

Rex V. Akiyemi Akiwumi (1948) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Criminal Law—Criminal Libel—Gold Coast Criminal Code, sections 246 (1),247, and 248—Necessity for proof of negligence—Gold Coast Criminal Code,section 250—Privilege—Gold Coast Criminal • Code, sections 251, 252 (10)and 253. In a prosecution for criminal libel under the Gold Coast Criminal Code, […]

Rex V. Francis Buae Akatia & Ors (1946) LJR-WACA

Rex V. Francis Buae Akatia & Ors (1946) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Criminal Law—Evidence of accused implicating co-accused—Gold CoastCriminal Code, sections 15 (2) and 48 (1). A prisoner who goes into the witness box to give evidence may exculpate or inculpate a co-prisoner, and is in the same position […]

Rex V. Johnson Jaiyesinmi Aiyeola (1948) LJR-WACA

Rex V. Johnson Jaiyesinmi Aiyeola (1948) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Criminal Law and Procedure—Offence under section 103 of Nigeria CriminalCode—Trial on information after committal—No consent of law officer toinstitsason of proceedings—Meaning of ” institution of proceedings “—Information varied by Crown Counsel—Nullity of proceedings. Where an accused person is tried […]