LawGlobal Hub

LawGlobal Hub

LawGlobal Hub

LawGlobal Hub

Commissioner Of Police V. Fred Batrop Addae (1945) LJR-WACA

Commissioner Of Police V. Fred Batrop Addae (1945) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Ten charges of stealing contrary to Section 271 (1) of the Criminal Code—Whether accused properly charged and convicted under the section—Failure of Prosecution to put before Court evidence of revelant evidence and no explanation given for failure—Gratuitous […]

Chief Obonna Uruakpa Of Aba V. Waguru Of Akoli & Ors (1945) LJR-WACA

Chief Obonna Uruakpa Of Aba V. Waguru Of Akoli & Ors (1945) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Writ of Summons—Libel–Objection taken that writ did not say “of and concerning the plaintiff”—Objection upheld by trial Judge. The following judgment was delivered by BAKER, AG.C.J., NIGERIA :- A preliminary objection was raised […]

Alfred Latunde Johnson V. Amusa Onisiwo And Others (1943) LJR-WACA

Alfred Latunde Johnson V. Amusa Onisiwo And Others (1943) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal JUDGMENT OF THE LORDS OF THE JUDICIAL COMMITTEE OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL, DELIVERED THE 3RD DECEMBER, 1945. This is an Appeal from a judgment of the West African Court of Appeal, dated the 8th July, 1943, […]

African Civil Servants Association V. Bunting Jones (1945) LJR-WACA

African Civil Servants Association V. Bunting Jones (1945) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Interpretation to be given to Regulation 5 (1) of the Defence (Prices of Goods) Regulations, 1940, and the two Orders, the Defence (Prices of Goods) (Retail) (No. 2) Order, 1943, and the Defence (Prices of Goods) (Wholesale) […]

Inua-na-mallam Yaya V. Alhaji Ibrahim Mogoga (1947) LJR-WACA

Inua-na-mallam Yaya V. Alhaji Ibrahim Mogoga (1947) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Land Registration Ordinance, sections 2 and 15—Definition of ” Instrument “—” Cash Payment Receipt ” for purchase price of house—Regulation 5 of Regulations made under section 28 of Land Registration Ordinance. A receipt for purchase money of land, […]

Gladys Muriel Weekes & Others V. Abdul Karim Basma (1948) LJR-WACA

Gladys Muriel Weekes & Others V. Abdul Karim Basma (1948) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Specific Performance—Statute of Frauds, 1677 (29 Car. 2 C. 3), section 4—Agreement for sale of house—Agent or purchaser contracting in own name. Facts The respondent obtained in the court of first instance a decree of […]

John Edmund Turkson V. Amoah Ababio & Ors (1949) LJR-WACA

John Edmund Turkson V. Amoah Ababio & Ors (1949) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Claim for account of mining rents and royalties and for- commission against specified Stools—Jurisdiction—Asamangkese Division Regulation Ordinance, section 6 (as amended by Asamangkese Division Regulation (Amendment) Ordinance)—Certificate of Governor-in–Council–” The amount which ought to be paid […]

Samuel Toriola & Ors V. Gabriel Arewa (1949) LJR-WACA

Samuel Toriola & Ors V. Gabriel Arewa (1949) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Claim in Native Court for ” Ishakole ” described as ” rent ” in relation to land —Transfer to Magistrate’s Court pursuant to Native Courts Ordinance, section 28—Jurisdiction of Magistrate’s Court—Protectorate Courts Ordinance, 1933, section 32—Conflict of […]

Mosalewa Thomas V. Preston Holder (1946) LJR-WACA

Mosalewa Thomas V. Preston Holder (1946) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Claim for declaration of title and possession—Title originating in native law and custom and proceeding through series of conveyances—Misuse of words” in fee simple ” in such conveyances—Proof of such a title—Onus of proof. Facts The appellant derived title […]

Samuel N. Thomas V. Commissioner Of Police (1949) LJR-WACA

Samuel N. Thomas V. Commissioner Of Police (1949) LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal Criminal Law—Larceny of ” tote ” tickets—Appellant selling tickets andpocketing proceeds—Whether larceny of tickets or of proceeds—Evidence oftickets missing 031 former occasion from books issued to appellant—Admissibility. Facts The appellant was issued with books of ” tote […]