LawGlobal Hub

Sarkin Kudu Mohammad Maidawa V. Sarkin Dawaki Husaini (2000) LLJR-CA

Sarkin Kudu Mohammad Maidawa V. Sarkin Dawaki Husaini (2000) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report MUNTAKA-COOMASSIE, J.C.A. The Plaintiff, now, Appellant, Sarkin Kudu Muhammadu Maidawa instituted an action, before the Upper Area Court Bauchi, against Sarkin Dawaki Hussaini, now Respondent, claiming: a house allegedly belonging to (the Appellant’s father Sarkin Kudu Usmanu). At the end of the […]

Ekwutosi Menkiti V. Clara Menkiti (2000) LLJR-CA

Ekwutosi Menkiti V. Clara Menkiti (2000) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report FABIYI, J.C.A. The case which precipitated this further appeal to this Court initially commenced at Onitsha Customary Court in 1981 as Suit No. CCON/10/81, Ozomma C.N. Menkiti, the original Plaintiff, sued the Appellant as sole Defendant. Paragraph 10 of the plaintiff’s claim at the Trial […]

Robinson Nwangwu V. Emenike Ukachukwu & Anor (2000) LLJR-CA

Robinson Nwangwu V. Emenike Ukachukwu & Anor (2000) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report M.D. MUHAMMAD, J.C.A. This is an interlocutory appeal against the ruling of G.U. Ononiba J, of the Anambra High Court sitting at Nnewi. The ruling is dated 14th November, 1996. At the Court below, the Respondents as plaintiffs had claimed as follows:- 1) […]

Adesupo Adetona V. Ita Edet & Ors (2000) LLJR-CA

Adesupo Adetona V. Ita Edet & Ors (2000) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report OGUNTADE, J.C.A. The Appellant is the Applicant and prays for an order staying further proceedings in Suit No. LD/17/98 pending at the Lagos High Court before Rhodes- Vivour J. Before the lower Court, the Appellant/Applicant was the 2nd Defendant. He brought an application […]

Alfred Onyemaizu V. His Worship J.A. Ojiako & Anor (2000) LLJR-CA

Alfred Onyemaizu V. His Worship J.A. Ojiako & Anor (2000) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report SULE AREMU OLAGUNJU, J.C.A.  The Appellant who was convicted of the offence of stealing by the 1st Respondent in his capacity as the Chief Magistrate sitting at Ekwulobia in Aguata Magisterial District of Anambra State of Nigeria, did not appeal against […]

Professor F. N. Ndili V. Mr. J. M. Akinsumade & Ors. (2000) LLJR-CA

Professor F. N. Ndili V. Mr. J. M. Akinsumade & Ors.(2000) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report OLAGUNJU, J.C.A. The chequered history of this appeal is bespoken by 1st labyrinthian journey to this Court for the second time on the same issue with an ill-fated excursion in between to the Supreme Court to test out the question […]

Abana Bulama & Anor V. Haruna Alh. Bulama (2000) LLJR-CA

Abana Bulama & Anor V. Haruna Alh. Bulama (2000) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report MUHAMMAD, J.C.A. At the Guyuk Area Court, holden at Gombi in Adamawa State, the Plaintiff sued the Respondents claiming his two houses consisting of 6 and 3 rooms respectively, which he had earlier on entrusted in the 1st Defendant while he proceeded […]

Humphrey Eze Enugwu V. Daniel Eze Okefi & Ors. (2000) LLJR-CA

Humphrey Eze Enugwu V. Daniel Eze Okefi & Ors. (2000) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report UBAEZONU, J.C.A.  ): The plaintiff/appellant sued the defendants/respondents in the Customary Court of Udi Customary Court District claiming as follows:- “(a) For Order of the Court requiring the Defendants to leave the Plaintiff’s house (Compound) and go to their father’s house […]

Chief Isiah Mba Ejem & Ors. V. Chief Ugbor Ofia & Ors. (2000) LLJR-CA

Chief Isiah Mba Ejem & Ors. V. Chief Ugbor Ofia & Ors. (2000) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report AKPIROROH, J.C.A.  This is an appeal against the judgment of the High Court of Imo State holden in Afikpo Judicial Division delivered by Anyanwu J. on the 30th day of July, 1991 in suit No. HAF/3/77. The appellants […]