LawGlobal Hub

Adebayo Sosanya V. Engineer Adebayo Onadeko & Ors (2000) LLJR-CA

Adebayo Sosanya V. Engineer Adebayo Onadeko & Ors (2000) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report ONALAJA, J.C.A. The plaintiff at page 88 of the record of appeal in paragraph 23 of his amended statement of claim being its concluding paragraph sought against the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th defendants the undermentioned reliefs:- 23 RELIEFS SOUGHT […]

Shittu V. Nigerian Agricultural & Cooperative Bank Limited & Ors (2000) LLJR-CA

Shittu V. Nigerian Agricultural & Cooperative Bank Limited & Ors (2000) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report OBADINA, J.C.A. This is an interlocutory appeal against the decision of the Federal High Court, Kano Division delivered on the 6th day of August, 1997. The 1st Respondent as plaintiff before the Federal High Court, Kano Division claimed in its […]

Zahkem International V. Ndu C. Ofoma (2000) LLJR-CA

Zahkem International V. Ndu C. Ofoma (2000) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report OBADINA, J.C.A. Th is is an appeal against the judgment of Abiriyi. J. sitting at the High Court, Kaduna State. The plaintiff, now the Respondent in the appeal, instituted an action against the defendant/appellant under the ‘Undefended List’ in the High Court, Kaduna State […]

Yinusa Rabiu V. Amuda Sunmonu & Anor (2000) LLJR-CA

Yinusa Rabiu V. Amuda Sunmonu & Anor (2000) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report GALADIMA, J.C.A. This is an appeal against the ruling of Lagos High Court delivered on 10th January 1985 by Fatiade J. The facts which gave rise to the said ruling are simply that the respondent as plaintiff, on 30th September, 1980 filed Writ […]

Tennyson Ajie & Ors V. Cyprian Ahunanya & Ors (2000) LLJR-CA

Tennyson Ajie & Ors V. Cyprian Ahunanya & Ors (2000) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report OGEBE, J.C.A.  The Appellants sued the Respondents in the High Court of Port Harcourt presided over by Odili, J., claiming 500,000.00 damages for trespass and seeking an order of perpetual injunction restraining them from further acts of trespass. The Respondents counter-claimed […]

University of Agriculture Makurdi & Ors V. Onaja David Ogwuche & Ors (2000) LLJR-CA

University of Agriculture Makurdi & Ors V. Onaja David Ogwuche & Ors (2000) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report CHUKWUMA-ENEH, J.C.A.  P ursuant to the interim order granted by this court on 8/12/99 upon an ex parte application brought by the Applicants seeking to stay further proceedings and the judgment of the Court below in the Suit […]

Lawrence Okwueze V. Emmanuel Ejiofor (2000) LLJR-CA

Lawrence Okwueze V. Emmanuel Ejiofor (2000) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report MUHAMMAD, J. C. A.  This is an interlocutory appeal against the ruling of Hon. Justice C. J. Okoli of the Onitsha Judicial Division of the Anambra State High Court, dated 8th July, 1996. The Respondent in this appeal as plaintiff had commenced action in suit […]

Felix Okoroike & Anor V. Lambert Igbokwe (2000) LLJR-CA

Felix Okoroike & Anor V. Lambert Igbokwe (2000) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report OGEBE, J.C.A.  The Appellants sued the Respondent in the Customary Court of Eziama Ikeduru seeking a declaration that they are entitled to the customary right of occupancy to a piece of land known as ‘Ala onu Nkoro’, trespass and injunction. The Appellants gave […]

Yusuf Babatunde Anisu V. Prince James Adeleke Osayomi & Ors (2000) LLJR-CA

Yusuf Babatunde Anisu V. Prince James Adeleke Osayomi & Ors (2000) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report PATRICK IBE AMAIZU, J.C.A. This is an appeal against the ruling of Ajayi, J., of the then Ondo High Court, sitting at Ijero-Ekiti Judicial Division. The ruling was delivered on the 13th day of December, 1994. Briefly, the facts that […]

Garkuwa Shugabandaruzu Zhitsu Sossa V. Ibrahim Alhassan Zhitsu Fokpo (2000) LLJR-CA

Garkuwa Shugabandaruzu Zhitsu Sossa V. Ibrahim Alhassan Zhitsu Fokpo (2000) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report MUSDAPHER, J.C.A.  The plaintiff, Ibrahim Alhassan Zhitsu Fikpo sued in a representative capacity of his people of Fokpo, Shugaba Ndaruzu Zhitsu Sossa for himself and on behalf of Sossa village community, before the Upper Area Court No. 1 Minna, Hon. Baba […]