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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1172 – On international peace and security

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1172 – On international peace and security Resolution 1172 (1998) The Security Council, Reaffirming the statements of its President of 14 May 1998 (S/PRST/1998/12)and of 29 May 1998 (S/PRST/1998/17), Reiterating the statement of its President of 31 January 1992 (S/23500),which stated, inter alia, that the proliferation of all weapons of […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1171 – Sierra Leone

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1171 – Sierra Leone RESOLUTION 1171 (1998) The Security Council, Recalling its resolutions 1132 (1997) of 8 October 1997, 1156 (1998) of16 March 1998 and 1162 (1998) of 17 April 1998 and the statements of itsPresident of 26 February 1998 (S/PRST/1998/5) and 20 May 1998 (S/PRST/1998/13), Welcoming the efforts of […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1170 – Africa

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1170 – Africa Resolution 1170 (1998) The Security Council, Recalling the statement of its President of 25 September 1997(S/PRST/1997/46), Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 13 April 1998 submitted to the General Assembly (A/52/871) and to the Security Council(S/1998/318) in accordance with the above-mentioned statement, Fully supporting the […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1169 – Middle East

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1169 – Middle East Resolution 1169 (1998) The Security Council, Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force of 14 May 1998 (S/1998/391), Decides: (a) To call upon the parties concerned to implement immediately its resolution 338 (1973) of 22 October 1973; (b) To […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1168 – Bosnia and Herzegovina

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1168 – Bosnia and Herzegovina Resolution 1168 (1998) The Security Council, Recalling all its previous relevant resolutions concerning the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia, including resolutions 1031 (1995) of 15 December 1995,1035 (1995) of 21 December 1995, 1088 (1996) of 12 December 1996, 1103 (1997) of31 March 1997, 1107 (1997) […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1167 – Tajikistan

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1167 – Tajikistan Resolution 1167 (1998) The Security Council, Recalling all its relevant resolutions and the statements of its President, Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Tajikistan of 6 May 1998 (S/1998/374), Reaffirming its commitment to the sovereignty and territorial integrity ofthe Republic of Tajikistan […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1166 – On the International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1166 – On the International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) Resolution 1166 (1998) The Security Council, Reaffirming its resolution 827 (1993) of 25 May 1993, Remaining convinced that the prosecution of persons responsible for serious violations of international humanitarian law committed in the territory of the former Yugoslavia contributes […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1164 – Angola

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1164 – Angola Resolution 1164 (1998) The Security Council, Reaffirming its resolution 696 (1991) of 30 May 1991 and all subsequent relevant resolutions, Expressing its firm commitment to preserve the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Angola, Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 17 April 1998(S/1998/333), Welcoming the […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1163 – On the situation concerning Western Sahara

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1163 – On the situation concerning Western Sahara Resolution 1163 (1998) The Security Council, Recalling all its previous resolutions on the question of the West Sahara, Reaffirming its full support for the Secretary-General, his Personal Envoy,his Special Representative and the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) […]