LawGlobal Hub

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1406 – Western Sahara

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1406 – Western Sahara Resolution 1406 (2002) The Security Council, Recalling all its previous resolutions on Western Sahara, in particular resolution 1394 (2002) of 27 February 2002, 2. Decides to remain seized of the matter. Adopted by the Security Council at its 4523rd meeting, on 30 April 2002.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1404 – Angola

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1404 – Angola Resolution 1404 (2002) The Security Council, Reaffirming its resolution 864 (1993) of 15 September 1993 and all subsequent relevant resolutions, in particular resolutions 1127 (1997) of 28 August 1997, 1173(1998) of 12 June 1998, 1237 (1999) of 7 May 1999, 1295 (2000) of 18 April 2000,1336 (2001) […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1401 – Afghanistan

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1401 – Afghanistan Resolution 1401 (2002) The Security Council, Reaffirming its previous resolutions on Afghanistan, in particular itsresolutions 1378 (2001) of 14 November 2001, 1383 (2001) of 6 December 2001,and 1386 (2001) of 20 December 2001, Recalling all relevant General Assembly resolutions, in particular resolution56/220 (2001) of 21 December 2001, […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1400 – Sierra Leone

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1400 – Sierra Leone Resolution 1400 (2002) The Security Council, Recalling its previous resolutions and the statements of its President concerning the situation in Sierra Leone, Affirming the commitment of all States to respect the sovereignty, political independence and territorial integrity of Sierra Leone, Welcoming the meeting of the Mano […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1399 – The Democratic Republic of the Congo

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1399 – The Democratic Republic of the Congo Resolution 1399 (2002) The Security Council, Recalling its previous resolutions and statements by its President, Recalling the Lusaka Ceasefire Agreement (S/1999/815) and stressing that the ceasefire among the parties to this agreement had been respected since January 2001, Recalling that the Inter-Congolese […]