Considering Sustainable Solutions to Combat Period Poverty in Nigeria – Ogechi Ifezie

Considering Sustainable Solutions to Combat Period Poverty in Nigeria Toilet papers are supplied in bathrooms, so should feminine products. – Laura Rathbone Introduction Amidst the pretext of supposedly effervescent girls who go about their daily lives problem-free, lies the harsh reality of inadequate Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) and low access to sanitation and hygiene facilities; […]
Recent developments in Indian IP and Data Privacy/Data Protection space – Rakshit Sharma

An overview of the key developments in the IP and Data Privacy/Data Protection space in India – since January 2023 The Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 (DPDPA 2023) is seen as a major turning point in the field of digital rights. It was passed by both the Lower House (the Lok Sabha) and the […]