LawGlobal Hub

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1861 – Chad, the Central African Republic and the subregion

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1861 – Chad, the Central African Republic and the subregion Resolution 1861 (2009) The Security Council, Recalling its resolutions and the statements of its President concerning Chad, the Central African Republic and the subregion, including resolution 1778 (2007), resolution 1834 (2008), and its resolution 1769 (2007), Reaffirming its commitment to […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1859 – Iraq

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1859 – Iraq Resolution 1859 (2008) The Security Council, Welcoming the efforts of the democratically elected, constitutionally based, national unity Government of Iraq in fulfilling its detailed political, economic, and security programme and national reconciliation agenda, and encouraging in that regard the holding of inclusive and peaceful provincial elections, Recalling […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1858 – Burundi

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1858 – Burundi Resolution 1858 (2008) The Security Council, Recalling its resolutions and the statements of its President on Burundi, in particular resolutions 1719 (2006) and 1791 (2007), Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and unity of Burundi, Welcoming the Declaration of the Summit of the […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1857 – The Democratic Republic of the Congo

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1857 – The Democratic Republic of the Congo Resolution 1857 (2008) The Security Council, Recalling its previous resolutions, in particular resolution 1804 (2008) and 1807 (2008), and the statements of its President concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Reaffirming its commitment to the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1856 – The Democratic Republic of the Congo

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1856 – The Democratic Republic of the Congo Resolution 1856 (2008) The Security Council, Recalling its resolutions and the statements of its President concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in particular resolution 1843 (2008) and resolution 1794 (2007) and the statements of its President dated 29 October 2008 (S/PRST/2008/40) […]