LawGlobal Hub

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1986 – Cyprus

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1986 – Cyprus Resolution 1986 (2011) The Security Council, Welcoming the reports of the Secretary-General of 31 May 2011 (S/2011/332) on the United Nations operation in Cyprus and of 4 March 2011 (S/2011/112) on his mission of good offices in Cyprus, Noting that the Government of Cyprus is agreed that […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1985 – Non-proliferation/Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1985 – Non-proliferation/Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Resolution 1985 (2011) The Security Council, Recalling its previous relevant resolutions, including resolution 825 (1993), resolution 1540 (2004), resolution 1695 (2006), resolution 1718 (2006), resolution 1874 (2009), resolution 1887 (2009), and resolution 1928 (2010), as well as the statements of its President of […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1983 – Non-proliferation

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1983 – Non-proliferation Resolution 1984 (2011) The Security Council, Recalling its previous relevant resolutions, including resolution 1696 (2006), resolution 1737 (2006), resolution 1747 (2007), resolution 1803 (2008), 1835 (2008), 1887 (2009), and 1929 (2010), as well as the statement of its President of 29 March 2006 (S/PRST/2006/15) and reaffirming their […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1981 – Côte d’Ivoire

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1981 – Côte d’Ivoire Resolution 1981 (2011) The Security Council, Recalling its previous resolutions, in particular resolution 1980 (2011), 1975 (2011), 1968 (2011), 1967 (2011), 1962 (2010), 1951 (2010), 1942 (2010) and 1933 (2010) and statements of its President relating to the situation in Côte d’Ivoire and in the subregion, […]