LawGlobal Hub

Section 31 Nigerian Land Use Act

Section 31 Land Use Act Section 31 of the Nigerian Land Use Act is about Exclusion of the application of the Public Lands Acquisition (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976. It is under Part V (Revocation of rights of occupancy and compensation therefore) of the Act. The provisions of the Public Lands Acquisition (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 […]

Section 30 Nigerian Land Use Act

Section 30 Land Use Act Section 30 of the Nigerian Land Use Act is about Reference of dispute as to compensation. It is under Part V (Revocation of rights of occupancy and compensation therefore) of the Act. Where there arises any dispute as to the amount of compensation calculated in accordance with the provisions of […]

Section 29 Nigerian Land Use Act

Section 29 Land Use Act Section 29 of the Nigerian Land Use Act is about Compensation payable on revocation of right of occupancy by Governor in certain cases. It is under Part V (Revocation of rights of occupancy and compensation therefore) of the Act. (1) If a right of occupancy is revoked for the cause […]

Section 28 Nigerian Land Use Act

Section 28 Land Use Act Section 28 of the Nigerian Land Use Act is about Power of Governor to revoke rights of occupancy. It is under Part V (Revocation of rights of occupancy and compensation therefore) of the Act. (1) It shall be lawful for the Governor to revoke a right of occupancy for overriding […]

Section 27 Nigerian Land Use Act

Section 27 Land Use Act Section 27 of the Nigerian Land Use Act is about Surrender of statutory rights of occupancy. It is under Part IV (Alienation and surrender of rights of occupancy) of the Act. The Governor may accept on such terms and conditions as he may think proper the surrender of any statutory […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2548 –The situation concerning Western SaharaLetter from the President of the Council on the voting outcome (S/2020/1063) and voting details (S/2020/1075)

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2548 –The situation concerning Western SaharaLetter from the President of the Council on the voting outcome (S/2020/1063) and voting details (S/2020/1075) Resolution 2548 (2020) The Security Council, Recalling and reaffirming all its previous resolutions on Western Sahara, Reaffirming its strong support for the efforts of the Secretary-General and his incoming […]

Section 26 Nigerian Land Use Act

Section 26 Land Use Act Section 26 of the Nigerian Land Use Act is about Null-and-void transactions and instruments. It is under Part IV (Alienation and surrender of rights of occupancy) of the Act. Any transaction or any instrument which purports to confer on or vest in any person any interest or right over land […]

Section 25 Nigerian Land Use Act

Section 25 Land Use Act Section 25 of the Nigerian Land Use Act is about Effect of deed or will where non-customary law applies. It is under Part IV (Alienation and surrender of rights of occupancy) of the Act. In the case of the revolution or transfer of rights to which any non customary law […]

Section 24 Nigerian Land Use Act

Section 24 Land Use Act Section 24 of the Nigerian Land Use Act is about Devolution of rights of occupancy on death. It is under Part IV (Alienation and surrender of rights of occupancy) of the Act. The devolution of the rights of an occupier upon death shall –(a) in the case of a customary […]

Section 23 Nigerian Land Use Act

Section 23 Land Use Act Section 23 of the Nigerian Land Use Act is about Sub-underleases. It is under Part IV (Alienation and surrender of rights of occupancy) of the Act. (1) A sub-lease of a statutory right of occupancy may with the prior consent of the Governor and with the approval of the holder […]