LawGlobal Hub

Section 22 Nigerian Land Use Act

Section 22 Land Use Act Section 22 of the Nigerian Land Use Act is about Prohibition of alienation of statutory right of occupancy without the consent of Governor. It is under Part IV (Alienation and surrender of rights of occupancy) of the Act. It shall not be lawful for the holder of a statutory right […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2547 – The question concerning Haiti

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2547 – The question concerning Haiti Resolution 2547 (2020) The Security Council, Recalling its previous resolutions on Haiti, in particular its resolutions 2476 (2019), 2466 (2019), 2410 (2018), 2350 (2017), 2313 (2016), 2243 (2015), 2180 (2014), 2119 (2013), 2070 (2012), 2012 (2011), 1944 (2010), 1927 (2010), 1908 (2010), 1892 (2009), […]

Section 21 Nigerian Land Use Act

Section 21 Land Use Act Section 21 of the Nigerian Land Use Act is about Prohibition of alienation of customary right of occupancy except with requisite consent or approval. It is under Part IV (Alienation and surrender of rights of occupancy) of the Act. It shall not be lawful for any customary right of occupancy […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2546 –Maintenance of international peace and security

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2546 –Maintenance of international peace and security Resolution 2546 (2020) The Security Council, Recalling its resolutions 2240 (2015), 2312 (2016), 2380 (2017), 2437 (2018)and 2491 (2019) and its Presidential Statement of 16 December 2015 (S/PRST/2015/25), Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national unity of Libya, […]

Section 20 Nigerian Land Use Act

Section 20 Land Use Act Section 20 of the Nigerian Land Use Act is about Additional penal rent for unlawful alienation. It is under Part III (Rents) of the Act. (1) If there has been any breach of any of the provisions of section 22 or 23 the Governor may in lieu of revolving the […]

Section 19 Nigerian Land Use Act

Section 19 Land Use Act Section 19 of the Nigerian Land Use Act is about Penal rent. It is under Part III (Rents) of the Act. (1) When in any certificate of occupancy the holder has covenanted to develop or effect improvements on the land the subject of the certificate of occupancy and has committed […]

Section 18 Nigerian Land Use Act

Section 18 Land Use Act Section 18 of the Nigerian Land Use Act is about Acceptance of rent not to operate as a waiver of forfeiture. It is under Part III (Rents) of the Act. Subject to the provisions of sections 20 and 21, the acceptance by of or behalf of the Governor of any […]

Section 17 Nigerian Land Use Act

Section 17 Land Use Act Section 17 of the Nigerian Land Use Act is about Power of Governor to grant rights of occupancy free of rent or at reduced rent. It is under Part III (Rents) of the Act. (1) The Governor may grant a statutory right of occupancy free of rent or at a […]

Section 16 Nigerian Land Use Act

Section 16 Land Use Act Section 16 of the Nigerian Land Use Act is about Principles to be observed in fixing and revising rents. It is under Part III (Rents) of the Act. In determining the amount of the original rent to be fixed for any particular land and the amount of the revised rent […]

Section 15 Nigerian Land Use Act

Section 15 Land Use Act Section 15 of the Nigerian Land Use Act is about The right of improvements. It is under Part II (Principles of Land tenure) of the Act. During the term of a statutory right of occupancy the holder –(a) shall have the sole right to and absolute possession of all the […]