LawGlobal Hub

Oceanic Bank International Plc (Formerly Oceanic Bank International (Nig) Limited) V. Broken Agro Allied Industries Limited (2008) LLJR-CA

Oceanic Bank International Plc (Formerly Oceanic Bank International (Nig) Limited) V. Broken Agro Allied Industries Limited (2008) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report MONICA BOLNA’AN DONGBAN MENSEM, J.C.A. JP+ The summaries of facts presented by the Respondent as modified in this judgment are as follows: The Federal Government of Nigeria had set up the National Economic Reconstruction […]

Femi Lasode V. Chief Tony Okoroji & Anor (2008) LLJR-CA

Femi Lasode V. Chief Tony Okoroji & Anor (2008) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report HUSSEIN MUKHTAR, JCA By a motion on notice dated 26th February and filed on 1st March 2007 the appellant/applicant sought for an unconditional stay of execution. The prayers in the motion state as follows: From the above prayer one gets a very […]

Chief S. N. Muomah V. Spring Bank Plc. (2008) LLJR-CA

Chief S. N. Muomah V. Spring Bank Plc. (2008) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report ADAMU JAURO, J.C.A. This is an appeal against the ruling of the High Court of Justice Lagos State, sitting in the Lagos Judicial Division in Suit No. LD/1344/04 delivered on the 17th day of February 2005, by Hon. Justice A. A. Phillips. […]

Taraku Mills Ltd & Anor V. Sant Engineering Ltd & Anor (2008) LLJR-CA

Taraku Mills Ltd & Anor V. Sant Engineering Ltd & Anor (2008) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report PAUL ADAMU GALINJE, J.C.A. The Applicants herein are Plaintiffs in Suit No. LD/1719/2004 pending before the High Court of Lagos State. In that suit they claimed against the Respondents the following reliefs: – “1. The sum or ?844, 191.00 […]

Joseph Amoshima V. The State (2008) LLJR-CA

Joseph Amoshima V. The State (2008) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report AYOBODE O. LOKULO-SODIPE, J.C.A. This appeal is against the judgment delivered on 19/7/2005 by the High Court of Niger State, Minna Judicial Division (Coram Hon. Justice Amina A. Wambai). The Appellant and four others were charged with the offences of conspiracy to commit the offence […]

Hon. Sani Mohammed Iliyasu & Anor V. Dr. Shehu Usman Adamu & Ors (2008) LLJR-CA

Hon. Sani Mohammed Iliyasu & Anor V. Dr. Shehu Usman Adamu & Ors (2008) LawGlobal-Hub Lead Judgment Report BABA ALKALI BA’ABA, J.C.A. On the 14th day of April, 2007, general election was held throughout the country into the various States Legislative House. The 1st appellant who was the respondent before the Tribunal contested the election […]