LawGlobal Hub

Section 265 Nigerian Child’s Right Act 2003

Section 265 Child’s Right Act Section 265 Child’s Right Act 2003 is about Functions of the State Committee. It is under Part XXIII (The National, State and Local Government Child Rights Implementation Committees) of the Act. (1) The functions of the state Committee are to‐(a) initiate actions that shall ensure the observance and popularisation of […]

Section 264 Nigerian Child’s Right Act 2003

Section 264 Child’s Right Act Section 264 Child’s Right Act 2003 is about Establishment and membership of State Child Rights Implementation Committee. It is under Part XXIII (The National, State and Local Government Child Rights Implementation Committees) of the Act. (1) There is established a committee to be mown as the State child Rights Implementation […]

Section 263 Nigerian Child’s Right Act 2003

Section 263 Child’s Right Act Section 263 Child’s Right Act 2003 is about Secretariat of the National Committee. It is under Part XXIII (The National, State and Local Government Child Rights Implementation Committees) of the Act. The Secretariat of the National Committee shall be the Ministry responsible for Women Affairs and Youth Developments.

Section 262 Nigerian Child’s Right Act 2003

Section 262 Child’s Right Act Section 262 Child’s Right Act 2003 is about Procedure, etc., at meetings. It is under Part XXIII (The National, State and Local Government Child Rights Implementation Committees) of the Act. The National Committee shall determine its own quorum and regulate its own proceedings at any of the meetings.

Section 261 Nigerian Child’s Right Act 2003

Section 261 Child’s Right Act Section 261 Child’s Right Act 2003 is about Functions of National Committee. It is under Part XXIII (The National, State and Local Government Child Rights Implementation Committees) of the Act. (1) The functions of the National Committee are to‐(a) initiate actions that shall ensure the observance and popularisation of the […]

Section 260 Nigerian Child’s Right Act 2003

Section 260 Child’s Right Act Section 260 Child’s Right Act 2003 is about Establishment and membership of the National Child Rights Implementation Committee. It is under Part XXIII (The National, State and Local Government Child Rights Implementation Committees) of the Act. (1) There is established a committee to be mown as the National child Rights […]

Section 259 Nigerian Child’s Right Act 2003

Section 259 Child’s Right Act Section 259 Child’s Right Act 2003 is about Post‐release supervision of children offenders. It is under Part XXII (Release and Post‐Release supervision) of the Act. (1) A child shall‐(a) after his release from an approved institution and until the expiration of four years from the date of the order committing […]

Section 258 Nigerian Child’s Right Act 2003

Section 258 Child’s Right Act Section 258 Child’s Right Act 2003 is about Release and supervision after training at the Children Centre. It is under Part XXII (Release and Post‐Release supervision) of the Act. Subject to the provisions of section 257 of this Act, a child ordered to be detained in a Children correctional Centre […]

Section 257 Nigerian Child’s Right Act 2003

Section 257 Child’s Right Act Section 257 Child’s Right Act 2003 is about Release from approved institutions, etc. It is under Part XXII (Approved Institutions and Post‐Release Supervision) of the Act. (1) A child detained in a Children Attendance Centre or a Children Correctional Centre shall on attaining the age of eighteen years, be released, […]

Section 256 Nigerian Child’s Right Act 2003

Section 256 Child’s Right Act Section 256 Child’s Right Act 2003 is about Transfer from Children Correctional Centre to Special Children Centre. It is under Part XXII (Approved Institutions and Post‐Release Supervision) of the Act. (1) If the Director or Comptroller‐General reports to the Minister or Commissioner as the case may be, that a child […]