LawGlobal Hub

Section 7 EFCC Act 2004: Special powers of the Commission

Section 7 EFCC Act 2004 Section 7 of the EFCC Act 2004 is about Special powers of the Commission. (1) The Commission has power to – Special powers of the(a) cause investigations to be conducted as to whether any person, corporate Commission body or organization has committed any offence under this Act or other law […]

Section 6 EFCC Act 2004: Functions of the Commission

Section 6 EFCC Act 2004 Section 6 of the EFCC Act 2004 is about Functions of the Commission. The Commission shall be responsible for – (a) the enforcement and the due administration of the provisions of this Act; (b) the investigation of all financial crimes including advance fee fraud, money laundering, counterfeiting, illegal charge transfers, […]

Section 5 EFCC Act 2004: Standing Orders

Section 5 EFCC Act 2004 Section 5 of the EFCC Act 2004 is about Standing Orders. The Commission may take standing orders from regulating its proceedings or those of any of its committees.

Section 4 EFCC Act 2004: Vacancy in Membership

Section 4 EFCC Act 2004 Section 4 of the EFCC Act 2004 is about Vacancy in Membership. Where a vacancy occurs in the membership of the Commission, it shall be filled by the appointment of a successor to hold office for the remainder of the term of office of his predecessor, so however that the […]

Section 3 EFCC Act 2004: Tenure of office

Section 3 EFCC Act 2004 Section 3 of the EFCC Act 2004 is about Tenure of office. (1) The Chairman and members of the Commission other than ex-officio members shall hold office for a period of four years and may be re-appointed for a further term of four years and no more (2) A member […]

Section 2 EFCC Act 2004: Composition of the Commission

Section 2 EFCC Act 2004 Section 2 of the EFCC Act 2004 is about Composition of the Commission. (1) The Commission shall consist of the following members – (a) a chairman, who shall – (i) be the Chief Executive and Accounting Officer of the Commission.(ii) be a serving or retired member of any government security […]