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Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 12.11

1 Texas Administrative Code § 12.11 – Deadline for Filing a Complaint (a) The commission has no jurisdiction over an alleged violation:(1) if the alleged violation is also a criminal offense, and if, at the time the complaint is filed or at the time the commission would vote to initiate a preliminary review of a […]

Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 12.4

1 Texas Administrative Code § 12.4 – Agreements to be in Writing No stipulation or agreement with respect to any matter in a complaint shall be effective unless it has been: (1) reduced to writing and signed by each person making the stipulation or agreement, or by that person’s authorized representative, and filed with the […]

Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 12.3

1 Texas Administrative Code § 12.3 – Ex Parte Communications Neither commission enforcement staff nor respondents may communicate with commissioners or the general counsel outside the presence of the other party for the purpose of influencing a decision on a pending sworn complaint after the commission accepts jurisdiction over an allegation.

Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 12.2

1 Texas Administrative Code § 12.2 – Representation by Counsel (a) A respondent has the right to be represented by counsel retained by the respondent in any proceeding of a complaint. (b) Counsel representing a respondent shall enter an appearance with the commission that contains the counsel’s mailing address, email address, telephone number, and state […]

Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 12.1

1 Texas Administrative Code § 12.1 – Notice (a) A notice required to be sent to a complainant under chapter 571 of the Government Code shall be sent to the address most recently provided to the commission by the complainant. (b) A notice required to be sent to a respondent under chapter 571 of the […]

Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 10.3

1 Texas Administrative Code § 10.3 – Tuition Charges to Attendees of Training Programs Upon approval of the commission, the executive director may establish tuition charges for persons who attend training programs under § RSA 10.1(3) of this title (relating to Training Programs) to recover costs of the training.

Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 10.1

1 Texas Administrative Code § 10.1 – Training Programs Upon approval of the commission, the executive director shall establish a program to provide training relating to the laws administered and enforced by the commission and related laws for: (1) members and members-elect of the legislature, to be held by January of each odd-numbered year; (2) […]

Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 8.21

1 Texas Administrative Code § 8.21 – Compilation of Advisory Opinions The executive director shall number and categorize each advisory opinion issued and shall annually compile a summary of advisory opinions in a single reference document. The executive director may publish and provide copies of advisory opinions in other formats as may be in the […]

Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 8.19

1 Texas Administrative Code § 8.19 – Confidentiality (a) The name of a person who requests an advisory opinion is confidential. (b) The original request for an advisory opinion shall be placed in a confidential file. (c) Confidentiality under subsection (a) of this section may be waived only if the person making the request for […]

Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 8.18

1 Texas Administrative Code § 8.18 – No Defense to Prosecution or Civil Penalty A person who requests an advisory opinion does not obtain a defense to prosecution or to imposition of a civil penalty by requesting the opinion if any of the following apply: (1) the commission is not authorized to answer the request […]