3 U.S. Code § 451
3 U.S. Code § 451 is about Procedure for consideration of alleged violations. It is under Subchapter 3 (Administrative And Judicial Dispute Resolution Procedures) of Chapter 5 (Extension Of Certain Rights And Protections To Presidential Offices) of Title 3 (The President) of the Code.
The procedure for consideration of alleged violations of part A of subchapter II consists of—
(1)counseling and mediation as provided in section 452; and(2)election, as provided in section 453, of either—
(A)an administrative proceeding as provided in section 453(1) and judicial review as provided in section 1296 of title 28; or
(B)a civil action in a district court of the United States as provided in section 134
6(g) of title 28.