Home » United States » 5 U.S. Code § 1218: Annual report

5 U.S. Code § 1218: Annual report

5 U.S. Code § 1218

5 U.S. Code § 1218 is about Annual report. It is under Part 2 (Civil Service Functions And Responsibilities) Subchapter 2 (Office Of Special Counsel) Chapter 12 (Merit Systems Protection Board, Office Of Special Counsel, And Employee Right Of Action) of Title 5 (Government Organizations and Employees) of the Code.

The Special Counsel shall submit to Congress, on an annual basis, a report regarding the activities of the Special Counsel, which shall include, for the year preceding the submission of the report—

(1)the number, types, and disposition of allegations of prohibited personnel practices filed with the Special Counsel and the costs of resolving such allegations;

(2)the number of investigations conducted by the Special Counsel;

(3)the number of stays and disciplinary actions negotiated with agencies by the Special Counsel;

(4)the number of subpoenas issued by the Special Counsel;

(5)the number of instances in which the Special Counsel reopened an investigation after the Special Counsel had made an initial determination with respect to the investigation;

(6)the actions that resulted from reopening investigations, as described in paragraph (5);

(7)the number of instances in which the Special Counsel did not make a determination before the end of the 240-day period described in section 1214(b)(2)(A)(i) regarding whether there were reasonable grounds to believe that a prohibited personnel practice had occurred, existed, or was to be taken;

(8)a description of the recommendations and reports made by the Special Counsel to other agencies under this subchapter and the actions taken by the agencies as a result of the recommendations or reports;

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(9)the number of—
(A)actions initiated before the Merit Systems Protection Board, including the number of corrective action petitions and disciplinary action complaints initiated; and
(B)stays and extensions of stays obtained from the Merit Systems Protection Board;

(10)the number of prohibited personnel practice complaints that resulted in a favorable action for the complainant, other than a stay or an extension of a stay, organized by actions in—
(A)complaints dealing with reprisals against whistleblowers; and
(B)all other complaints;

(11)the number of prohibited personnel practice complaints that were resolved by an agreement between an agency and an individual, organized by agency and agency components in—
(A)complaints dealing with reprisals against whistleblowers; and
(B)all other complaints;

(12)the number of corrective actions that the Special Counsel required an agency to take after a finding by the Special Counsel of a prohibited personnel practice, as defined in section 2302(a)(1); and

(13)the results for the Office of Special Counsel of any employee viewpoint survey conducted by the Office of Personnel Management or any other agency.

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