Home » United States » 5 U.S. Code § 1504: Investigations; notice of hearing

5 U.S. Code § 1504: Investigations; notice of hearing

5 U.S. Code § 1504

5 U.S. Code § 1504 is about Investigations; notice of hearing. It is under Part 2 (Civil Service Functions And Responsibilities) Chapter 15 (Political Activity Of Certain State And Local Employees) of Title 5 (Government Organizations and Employees) of the Code.

When a Federal agency charged with the duty of making a loan or grant of funds of the United States for use in an activity by a State or local officer or employee has reason to believe that the officer or employee has violated section 1502 of this title, it shall report the matter to the Special Counsel. On receipt of the report or on receipt of other information which seems to the Special Counsel to warrant an investigation, the Special Counsel shall investigate the report and such other information and present his findings and any charges based on such findings to the Merit Systems Protection Board, which shall—

(1)fix a time and place for a hearing; and

(2)send, by registered or certified mail, to the officer or employee charged with the violation and to the State or local agency employing him a notice setting forth a summary of the alleged violation and giving the time and place of the hearing.
The hearing may not be held earlier than 10 days after the mailing of the notice.

See also  5 U.S. Code § 5752: Travel expenses of Senior Executive

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