5 U.S. Code § 314
5 U.S. Code § 314 is about Statistical expertise. It is under Part 1 (The Agencies Generally) Subchapter 2 (Federal Evidence-building Activities) Chapter 3 (Powers) of Title 5 (Government Organizations and Employees) of the Code.
(a) In General.—The head of each agency shall designate the head of any statistical agency or unit within the agency, or in the case of an agency that does not have a statistical agency or unit, any senior agency official with appropriate expertise, as a statistical official to advise on statistical policy, techniques, and procedures. Agency officials engaged in statistical activities may consult with any such statistical official as necessary.
(b) Membership on Interagency Council on Statistical Policy.—Each statistical official designated under subsection (a) shall serve as a member of the Interagency Council on Statistical Policy established under section 3504(e)(8) of title 44.
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