Home » United States » 5 U.S. Code § 3402: Establishment of part-time career employment programs

5 U.S. Code § 3402: Establishment of part-time career employment programs

5 U.S. Code § 3402

5.U.S. Code § 3402 is about Establishment of part-time career employment programs. It is under Part 3 (Employees) Subpart B (Employment and Retention) Subchapter 8 (Appointment, Re­assignment, Transfer, And Development In The Senior Executive Service) Chapter 34 (Part-time Career Employment Opportunities) of Title 5 (Government Organizations and Employees) of the Code.


(1) In order to promote part-time career employment opportunities in all grade levels, the head of each agency, by regulation, shall establish and maintain a program for part-time career employment within such agency. Such regulations shall provide for—
(A)the review of positions which, after such positions become vacant, may be filled on a part-time career employment basis (including the establishment of criteria to be used in identifying such positions);
(B)procedures and criteria to be used in connection with establishing or converting positions for part-time career employment, subject to the limitations of section 3403 of this title;
(C)annual goals for establishing or converting positions for part-time career employment, and a timetable setting forth interim and final deadlines for achieving such goals;
(D)a continuing review and evaluation of the part-time career employment program established under such regulations; and
(E)procedures for notifying the public of vacant part-time positions in such agency, utilizing facilities and funds otherwise available to such agency for the dissemination of information.

(2) The head of each agency shall provide for communication between, and coordination of the activities of, the individuals within such agency whose responsibilities relate to the part-time career employment program established within that agency.

(3) Regulations established under paragraph (1) of this subsection may provide for such exceptions as may be necessary to carry out the mission of the agency.

(1) The Office of Personnel Management, by regulation, shall establish and maintain a program under which it shall, on the request of an agency, advise and assist such agency in the establishment and maintenance of its part-time career employment program under this chapter.

See also  5 U.S. Code § 8109: Beneficiaries of awards unpaid

(2) The Office shall conduct a research and demonstration program with respect to part-time career employment within the Federal Government. In particular, such program shall be directed to—
(A)determining the extent to which part-time career employment may be used in filling positions which have not traditionally been open for such employment on any extensive basis, such as supervisory, managerial, and professional positions;
(B)determining the extent to which job-sharing arrangements may be established for various occupations and positions; and
(C)evaluating attitudes, benefits, costs, efficiency, and productivity associated with part-time career employment, as well as its various sociological effects as a mode of employment.

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