Home » United States » 5 U.S. Code § 904: Additional contents of reorganization plan

5 U.S. Code § 904: Additional contents of reorganization plan

5 U.S. Code § 904

5 U.S. Code § 904 is about Additional contents of reorganization plan. It is under Part 1 (Executive Reorganization) Chapter 9 (Executive Reorganization) of Title 5 (Government Organizations and Employees) of the Code.

A reorganization plan transmitted by the President under section 903 of this title—

(1)may, subject to section 905, change, in such cases as the President considers necessary, the name of an agency affected by a reorganization and the title of its head, and shall designate the name of an agency resulting from a reorganization and the title of its head;

(2)may provide for the appointment and pay of the head and one or more officers of any agency (including an agency resulting from a consolidation or other type of reorganization) if the President finds, and in his message transmitting the plan declares, that by reason of a reorganization made by the plan the provisions are necessary;

(3)shall provide for the transfer or other disposition of the records, property, and personnel affected by a reorganization;

(4)shall provide for the transfer of such unexpended balances of appropriations, and of other funds, available for use in connection with a function or agency affected by a reorganization, as the President considers necessary by reason of the reorganization for use in connection with the functions affected by the reorganization, or for the use of the agency which shall have the functions after the reorganization plan is effective; and

(5)shall provide for terminating the affairs of an agency abolished.
A reorganization plan transmitted by the President containing provisions authorized by paragraph (2) of this section may provide that the head of an agency be an individual or a commission or board with more than one member. In the case of an appointment of the head of such an agency, the term of office may not be fixed at more than four years, the pay may not be at a rate in excess of that found by the President to be applicable to comparable officers in the executive branch, and if the appointment is not to a position in the competitive service, it shall be by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. Any reorganization plan transmitted by the President containing provisions required by paragraph (4) of this section shall provide for the transfer of unexpended balances only if such balances are used for the purposes for which the appropriation was originally made.

See also  2 U.S. Code § 199: Member of commission, board, etc.

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