Home » United States » 6 U.S. Code § 1112: Authorization of Visible Intermodal Prevention

6 U.S. Code § 1112: Authorization of Visible Intermodal Prevention

6 U.S. Code § 1112

6 U.S. Code § 1112 is about Authorization of Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response teams. It is under Subchapter II (Transportation Security Enhancements) of Chapter 4 (Transportation Security) of Title 6 (Domestic Security) of the Code.

(a) In general
The Secretary, acting through the Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration, may develop Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (referred to in this section as “VIPR”) teams to augment the security of any mode of transportation at any location within the United States. In forming a VIPR team, the Secretary—

(1)may use any asset of the Department, including Federal air marshals, surface transportation security inspectors, canine detection teams, and advanced screening technology;

(2)may determine when a VIPR team shall be deployed, as well as the duration of the deployment;

(3)shall, prior to and during the deployment, consult with local security and law enforcement officials in the jurisdiction where the VIPR team is or will be deployed, to develop and agree upon the appropriate operational protocols and provide relevant information about the mission of the VIPR team, as appropriate;

(4)shall, prior to and during the deployment, consult with all transportation entities directly affected by the deployment of a VIPR team as to specific locations and times within the facilities of such entities at which VIPR teams are to be deployed to maximize the effectiveness of such deployment, as appropriate, including railroad carriers, air carriers, airport owners, over-the-road bus operators and terminal owners and operators, motor carriers, public transportation agencies, owners or operators of highways, port operators and facility owners, vessel owners and operators and pipeline operators; and

(5)shall require, as appropriate based on risk, in the case of a VIPR team deployed to an airport, that the VIPR team conduct operations—
(A)in the sterile area and any other areas to which only individuals issued security credentials have unescorted access; and
(B)in nonsterile areas.

(b) Performance measures
Not later than 1 year after October 5, 2018, the Administrator shall develop and implement a system of qualitative performance measures and objectives by which to assess the roles, activities, and effectiveness of VIPR team operations on an ongoing basis, including a mechanism through which the transportation entities referred to in subsection (a)(4) may submit feedback on VIPR team operations involving their systems or facilities.

See also  Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 61.410

(c) Plan
Not later than 1 year after October 5, 2018, the Administrator shall develop and implement a plan for ensuring the interoperability of communications among VIPR team participants and between VIPR teams and any transportation entities with systems or facilities that are involved in VIPR team operations. Such plan shall include an analysis of the costs and resources required to carry out such plan.

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