6 U.S. Code § 222
6 U.S. Code § 222 is about Advanced Training Center Revolving Fund. It is under Part B (U.S. Customs and Border Protection) of Subchapter IV (Border, Maritime, And Transportation Security) of Chapter 1 (Homeland Security Organization) of Title 6 (Domestic Security) of the Code.
For fiscal year 2012 and thereafter, U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Advanced Training Center is authorized to charge fees for any service and/or thing of value it provides to Federal Government or non-government entities or individuals, so long as the fees charged do not exceed the full costs associated with the service or thing of value provided: Provided, That notwithstanding section 3302(b) of title 31, fees collected by the Advanced Training Center are to be deposited into a separate account entitled “Advanced Training Center Revolving Fund”, and be available, without further appropriations, for necessary expenses of the Advanced Training Center program, and are to remain available until expended.