6 U.S. Code § 454
6 U.S. Code § 454 is about Future Years Homeland Security Program. It is under Part H (Miscellaneous Provisions) of Subchapter VIII (Coordination With Non-federal Entities; Inspector General; United States Secret Service; Coast Guard; General Provisions) of Chapter 1 (Homeland Security Organization) of Title 6 (Domestic Security) of the Code.
(a) In general
Each budget request submitted to Congress for the Department under section 1105 of title 31 shall, at or about the same time, be accompanied by a Future Years Homeland Security Program.
(b) Contents
The Future Years Homeland Security Program under subsection (a) shall
(1)include the same type of information, organizational structure, and level of detail as the future years defense program submitted to Congress by the Secretary of Defense under section 221 of title 10;
(2)set forth the homeland security strategy of the Department, which shall be developed and updated as appropriate annually by the Secretary, that was used to develop program planning guidance for the Future Years Homeland Security Program; and
(3)include an explanation of how the resource allocations included in the Future Years Homeland Security Program correlate to the homeland security strategy set forth under paragraph (2).
(c) Effective date
This section shall take effect with respect to the preparation and submission of the fiscal year 2005 budget request for the Department and for any subsequent fiscal year, except that the first Future Years Homeland Security Program shall be submitted not later than 90 days after the Department’s fiscal year 2005 budget request is submitted to Congress.