Home » United States » 6 U.S. Code § 563b: Acquisition baseline establishment and reports

6 U.S. Code § 563b: Acquisition baseline establishment and reports

6 U.S. Code § 563b

6 U.S. Code § 563b is about Acquisition baseline establishment and reports. It is under Part B (Transportation Security Administration Acquisition Improvements) of Subchapter XII–A (Transportation Security) of Chapter 1 (Homeland Security Organization) of Title 6 (Domestic Security) of the Code.

(a) Baseline requirements

(1)In general
Before the Administration implements any security-related technology acquisition, the appropriate acquisition official of the Department shall establish and document a set of formal baseline requirements.

The baseline requirements under paragraph (1) shall—
(A)include the estimated costs (including lifecycle costs), schedule, and performance milestones for the planned duration of the acquisition;
(B)identify the acquisition risks and a plan for mitigating those risks; and
(C)assess the personnel necessary to manage the acquisition process, manage the ongoing program, and support training and other operations as necessary.

In establishing the performance milestones under paragraph (2)(A), the appropriate acquisition official of the Department, to the extent possible and in consultation with the Under Secretary for Science and Technology, shall ensure that achieving those milestones is technologically feasible.

(4)Test and evaluation plan
The Administrator, in consultation with the Under Secretary for Science and Technology, shall develop a test and evaluation plan that describes—
(A)the activities that are expected to be required to assess acquired technologies against the performance milestones established under paragraph (2)(A);
(B)the necessary and cost-effective combination of laboratory testing, field testing, modeling, simulation, and supporting analysis to ensure that such technologies meet the Administration’s mission needs;
(C)an efficient planning schedule to ensure that test and evaluation activities are completed without undue delay; and
(D)if commercial aviation passengers are expected to interact with the security-related technology, methods that could be used to measure passenger acceptance of and familiarization with the security-related technology.

(5)Verification and validation
The appropriate acquisition official of the Department—
(A)subject to subparagraph (B), shall utilize independent reviewers to verify and validate the performance milestones and cost estimates developed under paragraph (2) for a security-related technology that pursuant to section 563(d)(2) of this title has been identified as a high priority need in the most recent Plan; and
(B)shall ensure that the use of independent reviewers does not unduly delay the schedule of any acquisition.

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(6)Streamlining access for interested vendors
The Administrator shall establish a streamlined process for an interested vendor of a security-related technology to request and receive appropriate access to the baseline requirements and test and evaluation plans that are necessary for the vendor to participate in the acquisitions process for that technology.

(b) Review of baseline requirements and deviation; report to Congress
(A)In general
The appropriate acquisition official of the Department shall review and assess each implemented acquisition to determine if the acquisition is meeting the baseline requirements established under subsection (a).

(B)Test and evaluation assessment
The review shall include an assessment of whether—
(i)the planned testing and evaluation activities have been completed; and
(ii)the results of that testing and evaluation demonstrate that the performance milestones are technologically feasible.

(2) Report
Not later than 30 days after making a finding described in clause (i), (ii), or (iii) of subparagraph (A), the Administrator shall submit a report to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives that includes—
(A)the results of any assessment that finds that—
(i)the actual or planned costs exceed the baseline costs by more than 10 percent;
(ii)the actual or planned schedule for delivery has been delayed by more than 180 days; or
(iii)there is a failure to meet any performance milestone that directly impacts security effectiveness;
(B)the cause for such excessive costs, delay, or failure; and
(C)a plan for corrective action.

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