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Article I Section 25 California Constitution – Declaration of Rights

Article I Section 25 California Constitution

Below is the content of Article I Section 25 of the California Constitution

The people shall have the right to fish upon and from the public lands of the State and in the waters thereof, excepting upon lands set aside for fish hatcheries, and no land owned by the State shall ever be sold or transferred without reserving in the people the absolute right to fish thereupon; and no law shall ever be passed making it a crime for the people to enter upon the public lands within this State for the purpose of fishing in any water containing fish that have been planted therein by the State;

provided, that the legislature may by statute, provide for the season when and the conditions under which the different species of fish may be taken.

See also: Article I Section 24 California Constitution

See also  Article XIX A Section 1 California Constitution - Loans From the Public Transportation Account or Local Transportation Funds

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One Response

  1. What about bodies of water, on public state-owned lands, that are set aside as a reservoir for drinking water? Can those be fished?

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