Home » United States » California » Article IV Section 12.5 California Constitution – Legislative

Article IV Section 12.5 California Constitution – Legislative

Article IV Section 12.5 California Constitution

Below is the content of Article IV Section 12.5 of the California Constitution 

Within 10 days following the submission of a budget pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 12, following the proposed adjustments to the Governor’s Budget required by subdivision (e) of Section 13308 of the Government Code or a successor statute, and following the enactment of the budget bill, or as soon as feasible thereafter, the Director of Finance shall submit to the Legislature both of the following:

(a) Estimates of General Fund revenues for the ensuing fiscal year and for the three fiscal years thereafter.

(b) Estimates of General Fund expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year and for the three fiscal years thereafter.

See also: Article IV Section 12 California Constitution

See also  Article XIII Section 3.5 California Constitution - Taxation

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