Home » United States » California » Article XIII B Section 12 California Constitution – Government Spending Limitation

Article XIII B Section 12 California Constitution – Government Spending Limitation

Article XIII B Section 12 California Constitution

Below is the content of Article XIII B Section 12 of the California Constitution

“Appropriations subject to limitation” of each entity of government shall not include appropriations of revenue from the Cigarette and Tobacco Products Surtax Fund created by the Tobacco Tax and Health Protection Act of 1988. No adjustment in the appropriations limit of any entity of government shall be required pursuant to Section 3 as a result of revenue being deposited in or appropriated from the Cigarette and Tobacco Products Surtax Fund created by the Tobacco Tax and Health Protection Act of 1988.

See also: Article XIII B Section 11 California Constitution

See also  Article IX Section 6 California Constitution - Education

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