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Article XIX A Section 2 California Constitution – Loans From the Public Transportation Account or Local Transportation Funds

Article XIX A Section 2 California Constitution

Below is the content of Article XIX A Section 2 of the California Constitution

(a) As used in this section, a “local transportation fund” is a fund created under Section 29530 of the Government Code, or any successor to that statute.

(b) All local transportation funds are hereby designated trust funds. The Legislature may not change the status of local transportation funds as trust funds.

(c) A local transportation fund that has been created pursuant to law may not be abolished.

(d) Money in a local transportation fund shall be allocated only by the local government that created the fund, and only for the purposes authorized under Article 11 (commencing with Section 29530) of Chapter 2 of Division 3 of Title 3 of the Government Code and Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 99200) of Part 11 of Division 10 of the Public Utilities Code, as those provisions existed on October 1, 1997. Neither the county nor the Legislature may authorize the expenditure of money in a local transportation fund for purposes other than those specified in this subdivision.

(e) This section constitutes the sole method of allocating, distributing, and using the revenues in a local transportation fund. The purposes described in subdivision (d) are the sole purposes for which the revenues in a local transportation fund may be used. The Legislature may not enact a statute or take any other action which, permanently or temporarily, does any of the following:

(1) Transfers, diverts, or appropriates the revenues in a local transportation fund for any other purpose than those described in subdivision (d);

(2) Authorizes the expenditures of the revenue in a local transportation fund for any other purpose than those described in subdivision (d);

See also  Article II Section 20 California Constitution - Voting, Initiative and Referendum, and Recall

(3) Borrows or loans the revenues in a local transportation fund, regardless of whether these revenues remain in the Retail Sales Tax Fund in the State Treasury or are transferred to another fund or account.

(f) The percentage of the tax imposed pursuant to Section 7202 of the Revenue and Taxation Code allocated to local transportation funds shall not be reduced below the percentage that was transmitted to such funds during the 2008 calendar year. Revenues allocated to local transportation funds shall be transmitted in accordance with Section 7204 of the Revenue and Taxation Code and deposited into local transportation funds in accordance with Section 29530 of the Government Code, as those sections read on June 30, 2009.

See also: Article XIX A Section 1 California Constitution

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