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Article IV Section 13 Florida Constitution – Revenue Shortfalls

Article IV Section 13 Florida Constitution

Article IV Section 13 Florida Constitution is about the Revenue Shortfalls. Article IV is titled Executive, it has 13 sections.

Revenue Shortfalls

In the event of revenue shortfalls, as defined by general law, the governor and cabinet may establish all necessary reductions in the state budget in order to comply with the provisions of Article VII, Section 1(d). The governor and cabinet shall implement all necessary reductions for the executive budget, the chief justice of the supreme court shall implement all necessary reductions for the judicial budget, and the speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the senate shall implement all necessary reductions for the legislative budget. Budget reductions pursuant to this section shall be consistent with the provisions of Article III, Section 19(h).

See also: Article IV Section 12 Florida Constitution

See also  Article XI Section 3 Florida Constitution - Initiative

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